Lewis Venustus

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  That funny substance met my finger tips, but I stuffed it in my black pipe and then cleaned my fingers before grabbing a match to ignite a flame and smoke my pipe. 

I contemplated ending it all now, all I needed to do was pull a trigger and my life would be no more. My race would be over, but the thought of living on as leader of Dominion dismantled my thoughts of ending it all here and now. The memories of the war still muddied my brain though and they were the ghost that wanted me to end it, the cold demons that wanted me gone like my brothers in arms were gone. 

The voices of the other members of Dominion brought me back to this life though, to the moment before me now. The fantasy of getting out quick and dying while everything was fine seemed tempting, but it was truly unclear of what might be waiting for me on the other side. A red devil ready to spike me with his trident or a peaceful angel ready to lead me into Heaven. 

"Lewis, you're wandering again," the voices said.

I let the thoughts of death have their own death and I awoke to the Dominion members discussing who would be running what in the coming days. With the ending of the War the areas of the World no longer had regional leaders, I being the leader of Dominion obviously had to come up with who would take over what area and region in place of the bloody heroes that used to lead them. The world was controlled by Dominion; my dream and also nightmare come true.

"Have you even been listening to us?" One of the voices asked.

My answer was no, but I was too lazy to reply and too arrogant to remember any of their names.

"As a matter of fact, I have not been listening to you nitwits as you try and solve the problems that I have come up with solutions to before you even informed me of a problem." I said to the voices.

"Then tell us these solutions Lewis," one of the voices encouraged.

I made no reply as I organized the pencils on the table in front of me into a perfect line. I could have absolutely nothing out of order, nothing at all! It bothered me to no end, once I almost scratched the eyes out of my skull because something was out of place. Call me insane if you wish, I just call myself organized.

"Lewis!" Another one of the voices cried out to me in anger.

"Have no fear Dominion members, you will all be the Heads of a region. Chaos shall no longer reign in your homelands." I reassured with a pathetically insincere voice. "I've already assigned you all areas that are your original homelands. Check your emails." I said plainly, none of them were expecting a "check your email" response it seemed. Who cares, they got one anyways!

I left the meeting room and went back to smoking my pipe in my library; in the corner stood the voice I hated. "How did you get in here?" I asked him.

"I followed you here," the voice replied.

"Why?" I questioned narrowing my eyes.

"I didn't want to leave you alone," the voice replied honestly.

"Get out! This is my time to be alone with my books." I told the voice.

"Why should I leave you?" The voice asked.

"Because I told you too." I said, angered by his reluctance to obey my orders.

"Why should I care what you want me to be or where you want me to go, I want to be with you...always," the voice explained.

How dare one of these pitiful voices talk back to me, but I soon realized that this voice wasn't going to leave which begged the question again: why not just end it all now?

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