Chapter 27

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After reliving flashes of last night's events in a nightmare, I woke up with a start.

Relief washed over me when I felt Scott's arm around my waist. He always made me feel safe. I turned to look at him, and he looked absolutely adorable while he was sleeping with his lips parted. I closed my eyes and pressed my body against his warmth for a few seconds, before I gently lifted his arm from my waist and got off the couch.

Ever since Scott found out about my feelings towards him, and we decided to just remain friends, I've been avoiding getting too affectionate with him. It's easier to get over him this way...

When I stood up and gently placed a blanket over Scott, I stroked his cheek and remembered how close we were to kissing last night. I was about to lean in and kiss him last night, but thankfully, I stopped myself in time. I can't allow myself to fall for Scott, only to get turned down again.

Despite him leaning in to kiss me yesterday and gazing at me while we cuddled and watched Spongebob, I know he loves Alex and wants to be with him, not me. He probably just got caught up in the moment, and it doesn't mean anything.

I can't put myself through falling for Scott and getting rejected again, it hurts too much, I thought to myself and shuddered.


The next morning when I woke up, I found myself on the couch with a blanket on me. My first thought was Mitch, and making sure he was okay.

I was about to go and check on him, when my phone vibrated. It flashed '17 missed calls from Alex'.

I groaned and held my head in my hands, feeling immensely guilty.

I tried calling Alex a few times, but it instantly went to voicemail each time.

I sent him a text:

SCOTT: I'm so so sorry for missing the date last night! Please pick up so I can explain!

After a few minutes, he replied:

ALEX: Fuck you Scott. Don't bother coming over, I don't want to see you.

Oh no, Alex is really angry. I need to explain what happened last night.

I sent him another text:

SCOTT: Allie, I understand why you're so upset, but please let me explain.

ALEX: There's no need to.

SCOTT: Mitch nearly got raped in an alley and I had to rush there to make sure he was okay.

ALEX: Really?

SCOTT: Yes. Please let me come over so I can explain?

ALEX: Fine.

I took a deep breath and went to check on Mitch before I left for Alex's apartment.

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