Forever (TsukkiYama)

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"Tsukki!" Tadashi cried.

Kei sighed softly. He pushed his chair back from his desk and stood up. He made his way into the other room where Tadashi last was. There, he found the dark haired boy sitting in the middle of the living room, one child pulling his hair and the other climbing onto his back.

"Aw, Tadashi."

Kei chuckled softly, making Tadashi pout. Kei took out his phone and pulled up his camera, snapping a few pictures.


"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Kei walked over to Tadashi and took Akira off his back. He flipped him upside down, making the little boy laugh loudly.

"Papa, stop!" he cried.

Kei dropped the boy on the couch then grabbed the other, picking him up and tucking him under his arm. He dropped Izumi next to Akira and started to tickle them, making both boys giggle and squirm.

"Why are you being mean to Daddy?" Kei asked, grinning down at them. "What did Daddy do to you?"

"Papa!" Izumi cried.

"Be nice to Daddy."

Kei laughed softly and stood back up. He turned around and held his hand out to Tadashi.

"We were playing though." Izumi said. "Daddy wanted to play."

Tadashi stood up and took Kei's hand, lacing their fingers together. He leaned his head on Kei's shoulder and sighed softly.

"Daddy wants to take a nap." Tadashi mumbled.

"That sounds nice." Kei sad. "Or we can play some other way."

He kissed Tadashi's head and he blushed.

"Shhh." He said. "Babies."

"I'm not a baby!" Akira cried. "I'm three."

"Yeah, and a half!" Izumi added.

"And Daddy is thirty." Kei said.

"Daddy, you're old."

Tadashi scoffed.

"Papa is older than I am!" he cried.

"Only by a month and a half."

Tadashi rolled his eyes.

"You're still such a smarta—"


"I wasn't gonna say that!"

"Say what?" Izumi asked.

"Daddy, why are you fighting with Papa?"

Kei and Tadashi stopped immediately. Tadashi swallowed hard and Kei squeezed his hand gently. He knew fighting and talking about fighting always made Tadashi uneasy. His parents fought a lot and ended up getting a divorce when he was seventeen. His mom left and he hasn't seen her since then. Kei knew Tadashi had always been close to his mom and it broke his heart seeing how upset it made Tadashi.


"Baby, shhh..." Kei whispered.

He gave Tadashi's hand a soft squeeze and he nodded, shutting his eyes tightly and willing himself not to cry. He slipped away, running to the bathroom to calm down.

"Daddy and I weren't fighting," Kei said. "We were just talking loudly."

"Isn't that what fighting is?"

"I just wanted to make sure Daddy wasn't going to say a bad word."

"So you weren't fighting with him?" Izumi asked.

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