
11.9K 765 15

a plain ceiling took over his vision.

all the young teenager saw was white.

white ceiling,

white walls,

white doors,

and a white sheet.

the boy was quite confused and frightened by the place.

"you're awake?"

the sound of a woman made him turn to his left.

she was a stranger-

also wearing white,

and held a smile.

"you've been asleep for such a long time."

the boy looked around the room before realizing what had happened.

there were little things hooked up to his wrist from a machine.

he sighed,

tracing his hand over the hospital bracelet above the iv.

as realization took over,

he tightly closed his eyes.

there's only third person pov in this chapter for the sake of the intro, all the other ones will be back to jimin's

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