Chapter 77- Stop & Smell The Roses

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A knock on the door was the thing that woke me up. I rolled out of bed and ran to the door. Martinez leaned casually against the door way, looking at me as if he could care less.

"What?" I asked sleepily.

"Governor wants to see you, over breakfast." He answered boringly.

"Right now?" I asked opening up the door more for him to walk in. He nodded and shut the door behind him.

I sighed and walked quickly to the bedroom. I dug through the dresser quickly, looking for some sort of copy of my clothes.

I scowled when I couldn't find anything "Hurry up!" Martinez yelled from the kitchen.

I tore off my clothes and quickly put on a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue t-shirt.

I pulled on my leather jacket and looked in the mirror. I looked sorta weird with the v-neck t-shirt on but it would have to do.

I brushed my hair and braided it back. I quickly squirted some toothpaste into my mouth and washed it out with the glass of water sitting on the table.

"Ready." I said as I strung my bow over my back.

"You don't need that." Martinez said, pointing to my bow.

I laughed and opened the door. "The last person that said that to me, left me to die." I snapped at him.

He shrugged and followed me out the door. He shut it and we walked down the hallway, outside.

People walked the streets, some in a rush to do something, while others stopped to smell the roses, literally.

We swiftly walked down the street and I stared at the people in awe. "How many people are here?" I asked, briefly counting several different people.

"I dunno, seventy maybe?" Martinez said as he turned and walked towards a building that looked like a small apartment building.

We stepped inside and walked down a long hallway then turned up a flight of stairs. After a moment we finally reached a room with a large wooden door.

Martinez didn't bother to knock, he just strolled in. The Governor sat at his breakfast table, food surrounding him.

"Morning Governor." Martinez mumbled as he shut the door behind me.

"Morning." He replied, a warm, smile spread across his face as I sat down at the table across from him.

I looked at the food hungrily and the governor motioned to the food. "Dig in, you must be starving." He commented.

I nodded and quickly pilled fruit and egg onto my plate. "What is this?" I asked, before taking a bite of my food.

"Scrambled eggs." He replied, I rolled my eyes and quickly swallowed.

"Not the food, this place." I commented before shoving a piece of apple into my mouth.

"This place is Woodbury. It's a little town we rescued and keep free from biters." The Governor replied.

"And you live here? Without any problems?" I asked in astonishment. He nodded and looked at his watch.

"Yes, we help people that want to be helped then send them on their way or let them stay. Either way it's their choice." He replied as he stood up from the table.

"Sorry to cut us short but I have to go, Martinez could you please make her comfortable here?" The Governor asked as he walked to the door.

"Course governor." He replied cooly. The Governor gave me a quick smile before disappearing out the door.

I frowned and gulped down the rest of my food. "I don't think I've ever seen a girl eat that fast." Martinez joked as he picked up a peach.

I rolled my eyes and placed my dish into the makeshift sink. "MARTINEZ!" A voice called from the window bellow.

Martinez looked out the window and nodded. "Shit, I'll be back before nightfall, can you chill here?" He asked, heading for the door.

I nodded and made quotations in the air. "Ya I'll just chill here." I commented before he bolted out the door.

I sighed and looked around in the boring little apartment. I looked to his display cabinet and froze in my foot steps.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now