Chapter 64 - So, Any Questions?

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I climbed into the passenger seat of Lin's car Wednesday morning, I was legit so done with crutches, I had to chuck them into the back seat, and they made my dresses ride up, my jeans got all wonky inside the boot, but, it was like, 50 degrees out and shorts were not socially acceptable in this weather, so I compromised, with a skirt. I wore a floral skirt with a white sweater, and a owl necklace.

"Ready to go?" Lin got in the drivers seat, which was odd, Vanessa always drove me in the mornings.

"Wait, why are you driving?" I asked, as he started the car.

"Oh, APUSH assembly." He replied nonchalantly.

"Wait, why did I not know about this?"

"I don't know, you missed two days of school, that might be it."

"Don't act like I had a say in that." I laughed a little, "you made me go to the White  House."

"That's true. That is true." He consented.

"What's the assembly about?" I asked, genuinely interested.

"I'm just going to talk for maybe an hour about the expectations of the students, what is going to happen, what not to do, give a rundown of the show, and do a mini meet and greet, if anyone wants to."

"Oh. Ok. When is this?" I asked, "because you have 2 shows today."

"I know! I'll be here from 9:00 - 11:00. And then I should be there at noon for call."

"Ok, that gives you like an hour margin for error."

"And I make the call times. So, I can be late."

"All high and mighty are we?" I asked, "I thought Tommy set the call."

"Well, not really, I don't know, I can be late. I don't need two hours. No one really cares, as long as I'm on when I'm supposed to be on I can show up anytime."

"Yeah, like Leslie. Who gets dressed 10 minutes prior to his first line"


"Hey! Don't be rude." I laughed.

"I'm not being rude, I'm just saying, he has the first line!" Lin laughed, and I agree, Leslie gets dressed far too late in the game. We pulled up in front of the school and I managed to get myself together, backpack, crutches and all.

"So, I'm missing 1st and 2nd period?" I asked, as we made our way inside.

"Yeah, I guess, if you want to stay for the meet and greet."

"Yeah. I'm actually really excited to meet you. Maybe you can sign my notebook."

"'I'd love to!" He laughed, as we walked towards the auditorium, through the cafeteria.

"ROONIE!" William came running over to me! "You're back!" He hugged me, then pulled away and kissed me.

"I was only gone for 2 days." I giggled out.

"I know, it felt longer." He wrapped his arm around my waist, and kissed my forehead. "Oh, hi sir." He awkwardly waved to Lin who was standing next to me, and he took his arm off of my waist. "How was the trip?" He asked Lin, stepping a bit away from me.

"Well," Lin laughed, "you don't have to call me sir. Also, it was great."

"Well that's awesome." William replied nodding.

"Are you in APUSH?" Lin asked.

"Nope. I'm not that smart."

"Oh, well, alright. I should probably go and get set up," he turned to me, "meet me in there?" I nodded.

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