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'That didn't work.'

You dodged other marines and threw them over to the three rookies besides you. You were going to leave, you were. But your attention immediately went towards Trafalgar Law. You've heard of him. Not only that, but you've  heard of him from a very interesting source.


According to from what you remembered one day, when he somehow found you(you are pretty sure he stalked you) in an island that were known for their (fav. meat) and other types of meat. You retaliated and called him annoying and was thinking of actually using Black Heaven's Judgement on him when he said something interesting.

"Fufufu~! Sometimes you remind me of a certain brat." He said with a somehow more forced smile then he usually has, something you noted. Indicating to you he doesn't like this 'brat'. "Hear he's trying to be a pirate nowadays. Perhaps you've heard of him, hm~? Little marine~."

Trafalgar Law.

When you heard that he pissed off Doflamingo, your curiosity was peaked. You knew how the man was. Not anyone can piss off Doflamingo and live. This rookie is interesting...and even though you were...whatever you were with the creep, you want to befriend him. Or at least talk to him. He seems like the standoffish and distant kind of guy, perhaps a little sadistic from that smirk of his as he's holding that guy's head.

You sweat dropped.

Okay, maybe more then just a little sadistic.

"(Y/N)! You saw that?! Shishishishi!!" Luffy yelled towards you with that cute bright smile of his, noticeably shorter then before. You had a sudden urge to hug and squeeze and never let him go. Not just because of his adorable chibi self but...your mind was brought back to what you found out.

Yes. You want to protect him. It doesn't seem he's found out yet, but he'll find out on his own soon enough. Besides, your plan must already be put into action. You must leave as soon as possible. You gave a small smirk at him and a nod of approval as you drew closer to the three trios. The Straw Hat crew then spoke to themselves.

"Didn't think we'd see her here..." Zoro commented as he gazed at the infamous pirate. Robin glanced at them with a questioning gaze, a confused smile on her features.

"You know Silver Blood?" Robin asked as Franky rubbed his chin in thought.

"Wait...she was in Water 7 before you guys came! I remember her now! Made my men scared to get some parts from the foremen of Galley-La!" Frankly realized with wide eyes, as Brook only gave a "Yohohoho~!"

Usopp's eyes narrowed as he thought of the guys who beat him up to the ground in Water 7, but quickly shook his head. It's in the past either way. But really...? Did (Y/N) truly know everyone?

"She really does know everyone in the sea..." Usopp muttered with growing wide eyes, while Sanji and Nami nodded to Robin's question with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. We met her in Alabasta. You know her Robin-chan?" Nami asked. Robin blinked, as she gave a small chuckle behind her hand.

"Oh, just as much as anyone else I believe." Robin said with a knowing smile, the crew sweatdropped and left the archeologist be as they turned their heads back.

Back towards you, you're picking your favorite Supernovas.

In terms of likeness, Luffy is already #1. Law, because he made the pervert mad, #2. And Kid #3...mostly because of what you've heard of him. You greeted Luffy with a smirk, as you patted his head like always. Teasing him as you said you were sure he was as tall as you the last time you saw him. Luffy giving another unique laugh of his.

Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now