Chapter 14

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Jung Chaeyeon POV

" It better kill her "

               That's the word. It's he hate me that much ? What's wrong with him ? He haish. I hate him. I just made a small mistake. He doesn't have to say that if he is really mad at me.

" Chaeyeon, let's eat " Grandma called me.

                 I walked downstairs and sat beside Baekhyun. Well only beside him empty. Grandma and Grandpa keep talking. I answered when they ask only. I know Baekhyun stares at me sometimes. But I decided to ignore him.

                   Grandma gave me a sketchbook. She said I should draw something when I'm bored. Today, Grandma and Grandpa went to Strawberry garden. I really want to go but they said I need to rest a bit. I might stress because of last night.

                    I sit on bench under tree in front of grandpa house. I draw what I saw. I'm not professional so it not that beautiful. Drawing remind me of my past. Haish why I kept remember my past when I'm here ?


                    I sit on a bench under a tree at the park. I drew kids, played and everything I saw. Drawing is my hobby. It makes me happy and it my way to confess what I feel at that moment.

" Our Chae is really good at drawing " Dad praise.

" No. I'm not a good artist like you " I said.

" You good in your way, my princess. Your drawing is beautiful in my eyes " Dad said with a big smile. I hugged him.

//End Flashback//

                I wish I could control the time. I want to go at the moment we are happy together. Where you make a promise without breaking it. I miss all those moments. Why Dad ? Why do you make us like this ? You promise you won't leave me. But you left me. You promise you won't hurt me. But you did.

                 Dad, if you are still alive please fix everything. Let mom die in peace. I don't have anyone now. Where are you when I need you ? Were you when mom was sick ? Please Dad fix everything. Although you can't bring mom back but please fix it.

" Your drawing looks sad when you are sad " I wiped my tears and looked at him. I put my sketchbook beside me. I stood up and was about to leave him but

" Stop avoiding me, " he said. I looked at him confusedly.

" What do you mean ? I'm not avoiding you " I said coldly.

" Now " he replied.

" I'm not avoiding you. Okay let's say that I don't know you and we never meet " I said directly and he looked at me shocked.

" Did you realize what you said ? " he asked, a bit upset in his tone.

" Did you release what you said when you said ' It better kill her ' ? " I asked him back. He looked down.

" So you don't, right ? Then stop act like you care about me. Please you control me too much. I'm not your girlfriend or your property that you can do that " I said. He stayed quiet.

" If you really care about me then let me go " I told him that made him look at me.

" I'm sorry with what I have done to you. Like I told you don't ever ask me to let you go " he sounds a bit scary sometimes.

" Okay. So don't ask me why I avoid you. I'm done with you " I said and walked away.

Byun Baekhyun POV

                Is it I'm controlling her ? It's I treat her like my property ? It's what she feels towards me ? Perhaps she hates me ? I did for her own good. I looked at her drawing. It depicts a girl with a man and woman. They have a boy with black mask behind it.

                I guess she confessed her feeling here. It is she and her parents who live happily. I think a boy with black mask is me. Her drawing is really beautiful. But the more I look at her drawing. The more sorry I feel towards her.

                  She is human too. She needs freedom like what everyone wants. Even animals want freedom. I'm sorry Chaeyeon for controlling you. I'm sorry about what mean words I have said to you. I'm sorry for everything that I have done to you. But I will never let you go until everything is fine.

Baekhyun realized what he did ? Baekhyun felt sorry towards her ? Is it Chaeyeon really done with Baekhyun ? What happened next ? Will everything be fine or more worse ? Stay Tuned ~

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