Chapter 23 - Say a Prayer For You

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~Going to make this short since the next chapter is going to be REALLY important!!

[Ari's POV]

We walk in and see Vic looking around, gauze around his head and shoulder, some machines connected to him.

Memories of when it was Jaime like that flooded back, but at least Vic's awake.

"Vic," Mike said as he ran up and both him and Vic hugged each other, Mike being careful.

"Where's Katrina??" Vic asked when they pulled apart. 

I sigh and sit at the foot of the bed, quietly, Mike also quiet. 

Vic understood since he hung his head down, as if in shame.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I wasn't fast enough," Vic said, his fists on the sides of his head.

"Vic, calm down. It wasn't your fault. You did all you could," i said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"How will we find her??" he asked.

"The police are going to do all we can. All we can do is hope and pray, even if i want to so badly look for Nate and save Kitty," i said.

"Then that puts you in danger. Nate wants you, remember?" Mike said.

I grunt. "I know, but we can't risk anyone else getting hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Nate hurt anyone who tried to save Kitty," i said. "Look at Vic. I want to so badly Mike, but i can't."

"We'll figure something out," he said as he gripped my shoulders gently, kissing my forehead.

Soon a doctor walked in, saying Vic will stay overnight for observation and can go home tomorrow morning, since he feels okay.

We had the others see him before we had to leave, me and Mike deciding to spend the night with him and take up the comfy bed seat.

I could barely sleep, though.

My daughter was out there, probably scared and alone and wishing for her parents to save her when we can't do anything.

We don't know where she is, where Nate could be, we got nothing.

I cuddled into Mike's chest as he slept, trying to get some sleep as i hoped Kitty was alright, and would soon come home.

I usually don't pray, but i had the need to do that as i said a silent one in my head for Kitty, hoping she's alright.


Listening to A Match into Water by PTV.

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