i n t r o d u c t i o n

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I walked through the neighborhood with my friend Kat as I got a call from Abbi, my foster mom.

"The mail just ran, there's a letter here from The National-" I hung up the phone and sprinted home.

Here let me start from the beginning...

3 weeks earlier...

I walked up to the National Academy of Dance with my childhood friend Kat.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Nope. I mean I'm basically getting in because of my mum, which bugs me."

"Then prove them wrong." I nudged her and smiled. We walked through together and I went to the changing rooms, whilst she said she was going to the vending machines.

I walked in and put my grey leotard on, then my black joggers and my slips on that I wore here. I shoved my clothes into my bag and walked out. On my way to the door I looked in the mirror.


I proceeded out and to the vending machines. I saw Kat trying to kick it down.

"Kat! No!"

"No what? You're not gonna tell me to not kick it."

"I was going to say, you need to kick it harder. Ya dumb." I smacked her hat off and she kicked it harder.

"Hi, do you know how to get to the changing rooms?" A girl walked up to us with brown curly hair. Before I could grab her map to show her, my mischievous best friend grabbed it first.

"Go down that corridor and it's the first door to your...left." She smiled.

"Thank you so much." She ran down the hall and Kat went back to kicking the thing. Finally it knocked down 2 granola bars.

"You're so evil." I grinned.

"Oh you love it. Want one?" I shook my head and she walked off to change. When she came back we left to Studio A and started "warmup" at the bars. Basically we just talked the whole time.

"Everyone please gather around." A man in his 30s informed and all of

"This," Another man in his 60s started. "Will be where you audition for the week. Most people don't even get this chance. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity..." I tuned out the rest of his speech. The girl from earlier walked in late and Ms. Raine basically gave her a death glare. I looked at Kat and we chuckled softly.

Let me break it down. Where Kat sent the girl was to the Boys' Locker Room. The girls is the opposite side, but all the studios meet up in the middle. It's complicated, but I grew up here.

Kat's mum was my mum's best friend. My mum died when I was 11. 5 years later, I still get the lump in my throat by the mention of her name.

My dad, well let's not talk about him right now.

"Patrick, this young man doesn't have any tights." Ms. Raine said and all 3 of them hurried out the door. He was quite cute. He had brown hair, brown eyes. Let me just say gorgeous. Whilst they were outside, Kat played a pumped up song and then started dancing with Sammy. I think that's his name.

The devil, I mean teacher came in and quickly shushed Kat.

"Katrina! I expect better from you." Raine scolded. Kat tried to hide her laugh while walking over to me.

Soon we begun the audtion, starting at the bar.

I walked into my room for the week in a towel. As I walked in the same kid that didn't have any tights walked in.

"Can you turn around?" I asked him. He smirked and turned around.

"I'm Blair by the way."

"Christian." I slipped on some spanks and a tanktop.

"You can turn around now." I hung up my towel and he was just looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He turned off the light and went to his side.

He was probably looking at how ugly you were. Ha!

I went to sleep thinking of how he was probably thinking about how ugly I am.

Friday; Day before audtions are over

I woke up bright and early to get ready. I hurried and got dresses in jeans, a flannel, and my converse. I grabbed my makeup bag and applied foundation, powder, mascara, and then a light line of eyeliner on my waterline. I shoved a black leo in my bag, along with my shoes. Today apparently we were going to practice a dance, then tomorrow we were going to perform. That would be the final part of the audition.

I took one last check in the mirror and was disgusted with how I looked. There was no way to make it better. I grabbed my keys off the table and made my way to the studio. I heard footsteps behind me and Christian caught up to my side. Over the week we'd became pretty good friends.

  "Hey Smalls." He greeted. He called me Smalls because of my height. I was like 5'2, while he was like 5'6.

  "Hush up. I'm not small. I'm fun sized." I laughed. We talked the whole way to the Studio and finally began working.

  "Today you will be doing a piece from a musical number of my choice. You will perform it tomorrow, which will determine whether or not you make into the academy." Miss Raine informed us and I nodded at each word. To some people Ballet is life, to me it's the second best. I just like dancing. I do a little bit of everything, but my favorite is Hip Hop.

  We practiced the peace in groups and Tara, which I learned a while ago, changed the choreography. Raine looked pissed.

"Why did you alter the choreography?" She asked her.

"I-I don't know. I don't remember." Christian and I were laughing lightly while Kat was talking to Sammy about it. We had become good friends with Tara too, she just doesn't know that Ethan told everyone about what happened Sunday.

"Abigall, you could learn something from Tara." Miss Raine's voice shook me out of my thoughts.

"Alright Group 2, let's begin!" She clapped and we all got in formation.


I was talking to Sammy and Kat when Tara got called in.

"But I'm supposed to go last." She protested.

"Come along Tara." Raine motioned her. We looked through the window and listened it.

"They're talking about her breaking curfew." Sammy whispered. I walked in the doors and Mr. Kennedy greeted me.

"Unless this has anything to do with Tara breaking curfew please leave Blair."

"It actually does. Abigall was snoring all night. Like seriously that girl needs to get something for that."

"Miss Young, what does that have to do with this?" Miss Raine pushed.

"Tara bunked with me last night. She couldn't handle the snoring so she came to me."

"Is this true Tara?" Mr. Kennedy asked her and she confirmed. As we were walking away I whispered;

"Don't mention it."

Now we're here. We're here at the part where I tell you what the letter said.

What do you think it said?

I could've gave you the short version and said I got accepted, but where's the fun in that?

Broken Dances; Dance Academy Christian Reed - disconntinued -Where stories live. Discover now