He will not break me

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Emilia Carson has always lived a sheltered life. Daughter of an alpha Human but is she really human. Her mate rejects her but she will not let him break her. An eye for an eye and a kiss for a kiss. If you know what I mean. Hunter Anderson has another thing coming if he thinks Emilia will just sit their and take it. under editing ********************************************************************************************I want to dedicate this book to debbie_evanfurn because she commented on almost every chapter and I really did appreciate it.

Annie's Thoughts:

Another racial one kind of, even though it shouldn't be one. She isn't even technically a human but yet he thinks she is so he treats her like crap because he doesn't want a "weak human" mate. Pitiful really, and he ends up paying for it big time trying to make it up to her. Owell, there is a sequel and it is finished.

Chapters: 25

Author's Name: never_letting_go_

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