The House Sitter by @allfourthemusic

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And we are flying back to the States with our beautiful allfourthemusic . We stop at Houston Texas to meet our sweet Courtney who has just finished her first book "Out of Bounds" an amazing story that you won't put down until it's finished. She is currently working on "Cubicle" and we are already waiting for the update. So be sweethearts and go follow her, put her stories in your library and enjoy your reading. More to come in a few days as we have more amazing sisters coming up with incredible Harry Styles one shots.

 More to come in a few days as we have more amazing sisters coming up with incredible Harry Styles one shots

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It was a long flight. It was late. I was exhausted and irritable. For the rest of the night I didn't want to be bothered.

"Oh hey, you're home!" a voice exclaimed as soon as I pushed the door open.Beth. My house sitter. I'd nearly forgotten about her.I heard her footsteps padding child-like across the floor of the hallway while I dropped my bags down with a thud and turned to shut the door.

"Hi, Harry. How was your flight?" Beth asked cheerfully.She must have caught the disgust on my face because as soon as we made eye contact her smile faltered.

"That bad, huh?" she dropped her shoulders and stepped closer to me. "I'll put your bags in your room."

"No, you don't have t-" I started to protest.

"Please," she insisted, grabbing one of the bags and slinging it over her shoulder, "Let me help you."She picked up a second suitcase and headed toward my bedroom. I watched her as she rounded the corner before taking my last bag and following her.The aroma hit me as soon as I stepped through the doorway. It wasn't a harsh or pungent odor, but rather a mild and calming smell. Lavender, maybe? I was about to inquire when Beth beat me to it.

"I hope you don't mind," she said meekly, wringing her hands.

"I know you didn't say to, but I took the liberty of washing your sheets, even though you haven't been sleeping in them. I just thought it would be nice to come home to clean bedding."

"That's really nice," I blinked, managing a small smile.


"You're welcome." She grinned back shyly, a slight blush on her cheeks. She was pretty.

"I washed the ones I slept on in the guest room as well."

Clasping her hands in front of herself enthusiastically, Beth continued giving me a list of things she'd done in the house. I only half listened, not because I didn't care but because my brain could no longer contain any more information for one day. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off my boots, tossing them aside.

"Can I get you a drink? A glass of wine, perhaps? Or something stronger?"I considered her question. A drink would be ideal, if I didn't have this pounding in my head. Alcohol might only make it worse. Beth seemed to take note of my grimace.

"Headache, yeah? I'll be right back."

Before I could argue, she was gone. I stood and removed my shirt, throwing it into the hamper. I could have sworn I heard a tiny gasp behind me, but it was when Beth cleared her throat that I turned around. She stood with a glass of water in one hand, her other outstretched with two pills in her palm.

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