Chapter Forty-Six:

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Jack got home around 1:37 A.M. and he surprisingly didn't feel as tired as he should have but knew once he laid down and closed his eyes he would be out.

After finally reaching his and Jackie's bedroom and changing into his night clothes, he lies down next to Jackie, causing her to gently stir from where she was sleeping on her side facing her nightstand. 

Groggily awaking, she sees from the moonlight shining onto her clock that it's a little past 1:30. With a small smile, she rolls over and sleepily teases, "You said you'd be back the's the 15th now..."

"Oh, Kid go back to sleep," Jack smirked at her, with amused eyes, kissing her forehead. "I'll make it up to you later."

She snuggled into his chest, still smiling, and breathed in his scent, "I'm holding you up to that," she whispered. Within seconds they were asleep.

The sound of birds chirping floated through the room as beams of sunlight crept across the floor from the open window, a soft breeze fluttering the curtains. Jack slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath of the early morning air. He assumed the birds' songs were what woke him up gently and made him feel relaxed, for he couldn't figure out how, from getting only a few hours of sleep, that he could wake up so refreshed. 

 He knew he couldn't go back to sleep though, he had to get to the office at 8:00, so he slowly untangled his legs from Jackie's and got up, heading into his room to take a bath.

He was relaxing in the hot water for about two minutes when a loud "WHOOP!" was heard followed by his bedroom door being thrown open and what sounded like a herd of elephants trampling in.

"What the devil?" Jack called out just as Caroline and John ran into the bathroom with Clipper in hot pursuit.

"Hello, Daddy!" Caroline shouted excitedly while Clipper put his paws on the edge of the tub and stuck his nose in the water before splashing it about.

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