14| chicken legs

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I turned to see the person whose voice sounded so familiar to me, a voice of kindness that had been my friend in this stranger pack since day one.

"Andrew." Arden called out surprised. I too was surprised that out of all the people in the pack who would keep me as their target, he was the one who wanted to fight me.

"Drew?" I asked him and he nodded. "You want to challenge my position of authority?"

"No, Luna." He smirked. "You got me wrong. I don't want to challenge your authority, I want to test your strength Luna." But this time the word Luna that escaped his lips were more teasing than cautious. "Plus, I need revenge from that time you almost left us and ran away."

A easy grin slipped onto my face. He wanted to fight me? A fight he would get.

"Okay Andrew, let's see what you can do." I took a step forward into the ring that was forming.

"Sure Luna, I'll try to go easy on you." He too stepped into the circle.

"Do me a favour?" I asked and he nodded. "Don't."

He gave me one of his boyish smiles that always seemed to deceive me. I was going to show him who is the boss.

I knew that Arden was tensed when I offered to duel with whoever wanted to but I saw his tense posture relax.

"The rules are simple, keep fighting till the other one surrenders and do not kill one another, that's about it.

Let the fight begin!"

How much ever I wanted to be the first one to pounce, I wasn't able to because Andrew's agility took me by surprise. He knew that speed and agility were my strong points. I pushed him over my lithe body and he crashed into a tree.

We were fighting in our human forms since my being a Luna would make his wolf hesitant. We circled each other and I dodged a punch he threw my way.

"Come on chicken legs, I am sure you can do better than that." I taunted him in a baby voice and he threw another punch which collided with my right cheek.

"Yup, that's good enough." I murmured when I heard a growl escape Arden's lips.

I returned his punch, but I aimed my rock hard knuckles on his stomach.

A 'oomph' was heard and I did a mental happy dance.

We continued to attack each other in agile strokes but I could feel the crowd getting tired and I think even Drew realized that since he kicked his leg high to land a blow on my face, but I caught his leg and twisted it till he fell flat on his face.

A laugh was heard echoing around the ring of werewolves who seemed amused at dear Drew's fall.

He tried to drag me down and do the flip and choke hold but unfortunately for him, I was bored and wanted this fight over .

My leg hit the male reproductive organ and he groaned and this time a louder laughter came from our fellow pack members.

I held his head in a manner that showed that if I wanted to, I could snap his head.

"And the winner is Luna Rose!" Arden called out and everyone started to clap loudly. I almost blushed, I knew that they were yet weary of me, but I defeated one of their strongest fighters and that called for respect.

Arden gave me a proud look and grinned.

"Training is over for today you all may disperse!" Arden said and the pack scattered.

"Are you okay Drew?" I smirked, "I didn't hit junior there too hard, did I?" He looked up and gave me a dirty look.

"You don't play fair Rose!" He whined and I leaned in to pull his cheeks. "And any which way, I let you win." He said confidently.

"No you didn't Drew." I scoffed.

"Did too."







"Shut up Andrew!" Castile rolled his eyes. "You are one of the strongest fighters of our pack and you lost to a girl, we really need to step up our training."

"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes at Castile. "What did you just say? Girls are not weak, and I especially am not."

"You know that's not what I meant Rosie." He said nervously. I was about to give him a piece of mind, but Arden stepped in to stop another one of my lectures.

"You fought brilliantly, Rose. I am so glad that moon goddess made me your mate."

My heart warmed at his words. I wanted to throw my arms around him, but I refrained myself.

"Also, thank you for coming here to fight, I know that I should have asked you before I made a decision on my own. I was just worried that you didn't want me seeing that you have already run away twice."

"I'm sorry too, Arden, but I promise, I will try to be the best Luna to your pack." He nodded his head and smiled.

The rest of the day the four of us hung out together cooped up in the game room playing about a hundred games of Mario Cart.

The younger kids hanging out there seemed confused to see so many adults hanging around playing mindlessly awesome games but more so seeing their alpha grumbling about losing to Castile.

I pretty much sucked at all video games excluding this one, so I was the supreme winner with maximum points.

By the end of the day I was even more confused about my relationship status with Arden. Sometimes we were like best friends, other's like a sworn enemies.

I like what we had and I decided that having Arden as a mate wouldn't be so bad, now the only problem was the other Alpha.


Another chapter up!

My book can now be seen on the werewolf 'what's hot' list!

Who is this other Alpha that Rose keeps mentioning? And what does he want from her?

Why is she so adamant to stay away from him?

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