16| Attacked

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The younger children looked nervous and the older ones excited, and the adults simply stood up to be ready to fight. All they knew is that there are rogues on the border, there was no approximate number given.

My eyes went to Arden who was looking at me with a guarded expression and then sent a nod towards Castile.

"Every one below the age of sixteen, pregnant women and senior citizens are to go to the safe rooms and your Luna will be there to help. The rest of y'all are to wait till I give any further orders. The main warriors are to come with me immediately." My eyes widened, I was perfectly capable of fighting and Arden was not going to stop me.

He started to walk and everyone present in the room started to scatter, but I followed my mate.

"I am coming with you." I told Arden who was going outside the house. He stopped for a second and turned towards me.

"No, you are to stay in the safe house."

"I am a rogue, Arden. I am perfectly capable of fighting. Moreover there are hundreds of wolves in this pack and there can't be a lot of rogues." I argued.

"This is more than a random rogue attack Rose, and like you said, we have a large number of wolves, we don't need you to fight, keep the weaker safe."

I could see the determination in his eyes and knew that he wasn't going to let me fight, so I nodded my head in defeat and said, "Be safe."

"Always, Little Rogue." He smiled and we walked away in opposite directions. A lady who looked well into her third trimester of her pregnancy waddled over to me and touched my shoulder lightly.

"Luna?" She softly said and I looked up.

"Rose." I smiled and she shifted slightly.

"I am Charlie," She paused. "We need to get into the safe house now, rogues are not known to be kind. They won't hesitate to kill pregnant wolves and children. Not that you're like that." She said quickly.

I nodded my head and went to a door that was hidden behind a wooden cabinet. As soon we entered I saw a lot of pack members sitting around and chatting with each other. The pregnant wolves were all holding their stomach's protectively and a few of them were humming.

Most of the eyes snapped to my unsure figure as soon as I entered and the door was shut by a scrawny teenage boy.

A visible calm settled over the large group when I entered the room, and I knew it was my wolf communicating with theirs.

I shuffled to the corner of the room and saw the pregnant wolf who I had entered the room with.

"How far are you?" I asked Charlie smiling.

"Seven months." She said, I wondered who her lucky mate was. Charlie was gorgeous and had short cropped blonde hair with dark eyes that looked almost black. She had an elfish look to her and she looked kind of familiar.

"Have we met before?" I asked her curious.

"No, but I think knowing Wes, he must have shown you our family photo." She let out a slight laugh and I said excited, "You're Wesley's mate!"

"Yes, I am." She was going to say something more but we heard a loud bang come from outside our door.

Everyone backed away and I sensed a lot of people mind-linking , wondering what's going on.

The bang continued to grow louder and I gasped. Some one was trying to breakdown the door, and judging by the way and horrible stench, it was not one of the pack wolves.

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