26. Date Night

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Meghan's POV:
Okay before you start freaking out about me, I'm fine. I just had a nightmare and got really freaked out. Charlie wanted to talk about it and we did and now I feel a lot better. I started freaking out about my music, music video, and everything else. Speaking of my music video, I finally finished editing "NØ" and it's Charlie approved. He helped me with editing different parts and I love it. We head outside of the studio into the cool dawn air. I check my phone and realize its 1:30 a.m. I am so tired. He opens the door for me and I get into his car. I told him I could drive myself but he insisted on driving me back and forth. We start driving down the road with his radio playing in the background.

"I'm starving! You?" He asks turning his head for a second and then back to the road.

"Mmmmm, me too." I laugh. He pulls into the closest food area, orders, and brings food back. We head over to his place and slump down on the couch. He grabs the remote and turns on Jerry Springer. I cuddle up close to him and he hands me my food. He smiles and I start watching. A few minutes later I look over and realize he is looking at me.

Charlie's POV:
"What?" She asks and sets her food down.

"Nothing, it's just we are so alike that a date could be us wearing grey sweatpants and eating Chinese food at 2:00 o'clock in the morning on a Friday night, and that's totally fine." She laughs and kisses me.

Author Note: Hey everyone! Hope you are enjoying these! This was a little short and sweet chapter to lead into the next one. By the way he actually said something like that in a interview with iHeartRadio. Here is what he said about his song "As You Are"

"'As You Are.' I will take you as you are, if you want to wear grey sweatpants and eat Chinese food with me at 2:00 o'clock in the morning on a Friday night, that's totally fine. Doesn't that sound fun? At Charlie's house you always end up on the couch, eating Chinese food. Not even Netflix and chill, just Jerry Springer and television ads, infomercials, blue and white lights shining upon us as we eat the sesame chicken."

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