Chapter 19 1/2

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*The next day*

I opened my eyes groggily at the sound of my alarm. Groaning I sat up and turned it off. Yesterday way fun, I smiled faintly at the memory. Everyone went home after pizza and mum got home an hour after they left.

Sighing dramatically I got up from bed and stretched. Outside you could hear the wind howling and rain pounding down.

Today's going be a bit gloomy isn't it?

Since when do we say gloomy?

Oh it's you again

Yes me tada woopdie doo we're the same person stupid bum

I shook the thoughts out of my head and headed to my dressers. On the mirror was a sticky note.

"It's starting to rain, make sure to bring an umbrella. Sorry I was in a rush and didn't get to say goodbye. Don't even think about skipping school, love you and have a good day my love.
- mum"

I smiled and began picking out an outfit for this terrible weather.

After getting dressed and going through my morning routine I went grabbed my bag and padded downstairs and made myself some breakfast. After eating I braced myself for the outside, I picked up my umbrella and ran out.

I regretted it immediately

Holy shit holy shit hOLY SHIT


I scowled as I ran to the school. Why hadn't they canceled it?!

Come on come on just a little bit farther, we can do it. Damn it this umbrella is USELESS

We're going to die, this wind is going to slam us into the street and we're going to get run over, this is the end of Y/N L/N

Oh will you shut up, the stupid school is probably going to go into weather lockdown before we can make it.

I let out a frustrated groan as I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me. Running into the school I let my umbrella drop. I tied it quickly as I once again ran to class.My first period teacher was standing outside the classroom door worriedly as were other teachers. "Are you alright y/n? Oh! They should have canceled school today, poor kids some of you dripping wet. Would you like to go to the nurse y/n? Im sure she might have a sweater for you to wear.

I smiled, "No miss i'll be alright. I didn't see anyone else on there way to school when I was out there, if that makes you feel any better."

She pursed her lips, "I hope everyone else stayed home. There are only a few of you all here today."

I nodded and walked inside the classroom, she was right there weren't many student in the classroom. 10 in total to be exact, including me. There was Nathanael, Adrien, Marinette, Nino, and five other people I haven't met yet, though from hearing the teacher call on them i believe their names were Juleka, Kim, Rose, Max, and Alix.

I kept my head low, out of all my friends I was the only one soaking wet.

Oh god.

I silently walked to my seat careful not to make eye contact with anyone.

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