Chapter 4

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✖️ JAXON ✖️  

Over the course of the next few days, "violets-are-actually-purple" and I talked more and more. It was cool to finally talk to the Tumblr page I admired. K was actually a very good person to talk to. Not only was she funny and insightful, she also helped me with a lot of things. 

And the launch of her advice column, K's Counselling Corner, went extremely well! 

Along with our newfound friendship, I learned more about K herself. She told me that she used to deal with severe depression and anxiety, but now it's a bit better. But some things still triggered her. I told her that I wished I could help in any way possible, and she assured me that I already was. 


I hopped out of Scully and adjusted my quiffed hair. Then, I saw Kayla a few steps ahead of me. I quickened my pace and caught up to her. 

"Hey," I started with a smile. She turned around to look at me. She had straightened her hair, and it looked really good. Not that Kayla ever looked bad, per say. I'd started dropping subtle hints and helping her out in Creative Writing, just like K said I should. I didn't know if it was going well in Kayla's book, though. 

We made some small talk until we reached the actual school and then we headed our separate ways.

First block today was English.  I walked into the class and immediately spotted Kayla occupying a seat towards the front. I took the seat behind her and just as I did so, the bell rang for class to commence. 

"My Senior Footprint," said Mr. Bartholomew, pointing to the three words written in bold on the Whiteboard. "Well, not my footprint, yours." We all looked confused, and he continued. "You guys are seniors! You're probably leaving next year!! How many of you are planning on leaving Washington?" 

All of us raised our hands, except this one boy named Reese. He mumbled something about safety colleges and we continued. 

"Well, once you're gone, you're gone! But what if you had the chance to make an impact to Eastwood before you leave?" He uncapped the whiteboard marker and wrote: Make your footprint! under what was already there. 

"I paired you up in partners, and the idea is to travel Washington, it doesn't matter how far you go: to the Capital or to the local Walmart, the point is to make a mark saying you were there. And for the English aspect of it, write a piece. This year in Lit, you're mostly doing reading, so I guess it's a fun way to incorporate writing into it."

"Each pair will come up as called and will be assigned a writing style. Then, your footprints will begin. I don't know how you guys want to do it, but creativity is going to be marked as well! With that said, nothing stupid or illegal." This made a few people in the class groan. 

"Alec and Marissa" We all widened our eyes in shock. It was a known fact that Alec and Marissa were a thing before Alec and Elena, and Marissa was willing to do anything  to get in his pants. I looked over at Elena, who was inhaling and exhaling slowly. Alec gave her a small side squeeze on the way to Mr. B. 

"Elena and Jaiden." Elena immediately broke out into a grin and ran to Jaiden, engulfing her in a hug. I could see Kayla instantly get a bit sadder. 

"Michael and Olivia"

"Jaxon and Kayla" 

My heart just stopped for a second. If I didn't hear wrong, Kayla and I were doing the My Senior Footprint project together for the rest of the year! I walked up to Kayla and together we went to Mr. Bartholomew's desk. 

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