Chapter 1

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April 10th, Saturday.

I sat at the desk in the far right corner. I hated this place , it never really helps me. All it does is put me in a bad mood . Oh and it makes me think about my father. So I spend my Saturdays in group. The group is called "Tough times for Teens", basically the group is for children who have lost a parent or have went through a traumatic experience. Quite honestly I don't think that's as bad as my problem but they always have to tie them together somehow. The thing I hate most about this class is that you have to talk about your feelings, oh and write in a journal about it. I don't like showing emotion but they always make me. I can't wait to get out of this class in a few months, I cannot wait.



I closed my journal and pick up my purse from the ground. The group was finally over after 3 hours. I said goodbye to the group leader and walked out to meet my mother at her car. She was parked as far as she possibly could from the building and I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, mom you know you can park closer to the-" I froze. In the front seat was a man, he wasn't to bad looking but I could tell he was trouble. Major trouble. I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened the door. Since the day my father left, I haven't seen her smile, not once. But today she was awful smiley.

"Hi Raleigh, how was your group?" She jerked the car into drive.

"Cool, I guess. Mom whos this?" I motioned to the dude in the front.

"Oh, this is George. Say hi George. This is my daughter Raleigh." George quickly turned around and gave me a smirk. I buckled my seat and dug my phone out. This was weird. Really weird.

"Hello Ryan." He said breaking eye contact.

"Its Raleigh." My mom turned around and glared at me.

I rolled my eyes and began to listen to twenty-one pilots since their music is pretty relatable to my life right now. Moments later we pulled up to an unfamiliar house. It wasn't nice, but it wasn't bad. Mom unlocked the car and George jumped out, shutting the door very obnoxiously . I turned off my music instantly and jumped in the front seat.

"So, may I ask what that was for?" I said turning my head towards mom.

"Raleigh, I know I should've told you but really this is my decision not yours and plus he's just a really good friend right now. Nothing more nothing less. Yeah maybe in the near future we will become something but that's not to worry about now."

"Really mom, this is pathetic. I mean look at him, look at this house, He's not successful obviously , he still lives with his mom, he has no job. I mean mom you could do so much better. Oh and not to mention you're still married to dad and not to mention dad just passed away 3 months ago and you're already over him?" I said, anger radiating off of my tone.

"Don't you dare imply that I didn't love your father, I loved your father with all my heart , and your father wouldn't want me sitting around stressing about him not being here. Also, who are you to judge the man? You've never even met him like you haven't talked to him and you're already calling him a low life. Yeah people go through rough times and you just gotta stick with them until things get better. Right now he is living with his mom, he got laid off so stop with this nonsense. You don't understand and I don't expect you to but Raleigh you need to chill." Now it was her turn to get angry.

"I need to chill? No, you need to chill. You're already whoring around and dad hasn't even been gone for a year, and I'll tell you this much, dad would be utterly disgusted in your choice of men right now." I said , I didn't regret it at all. Mom turned to me with pain in her eyes and and sped off.

We got home and she sent me to my room. I just rolled my eyes and through my stuff on the bed. I guess it's time to write in my journal again.

April 10th, Saturday.

Every Saturday me and my father would go somewhere. Every Saturday we did something different. The Saturday before he died we decided to go fishing. I didn't really like it too much but my dad loved fishing. He had a passion for it and I knew it. We got on the boat and he was making sure the lines were good and making sure the boat was powered up enough. My favorite lake to go on was "Stone rock lake" It was relaxing and beautiful and we always caught a lot of fish from there. We spent the whole day there and I was beyond exhausted. I came in the house, said "I love you" to my father and went to bed. When I woke up that next morning my father was gone. I guess the saying "You never know when your last goodbye will be." Is true, because I went to bed with a father and I woke up without one.


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