(Your Noodles Are Delicious) Baker! Reader X Engineer

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Requested by AlyssaKonesky
Oh god
"Hey hey since you came second I have a request:
Engineer x Baker!Reader
You would name it: your noodles are delicious
And you would make spaghetti
I'm amazing
*drops mic*"
Ples halp
This is what I get for entering a contest
Prepare thyself for the cringe

You twirled your finger through a strand of your (h/c) hair, staring dreamily at the man who walked into your shop. His chiseled face, strong jawline, cleanly shaved stubble, bright eyes, bright mind, and a gentleman. He was just so... Perfect.
But you? You don't even have even the smallest chance! Or so you think...
*such spooky much foreshadow*

You looked all around the small shop you owned. Soft, sweet music chimed from your grandfathers radio on the counter, and bright white lights reflected off the shiny wooden floor. The dusty white walls lined with flowers and small windows with open shades brightened the room, and you inhaled deeply, smelling the sweet scent of all the treats you baked up this morning.
The man you were dreamily staring at was sitting at a table with a man in a baclava, chatting about something. He was sitting backwards in the chair, leaning forwards on the back of the chair, which you found funny, since not many people do that. The man in the baclava stood up, pushing in his chair. Before leaving he uttered a few words, shaking hands with the man. He then left the shop, the bell dangling above the door chiming.
The dreamy man, or Mr.Hardhat as you decided to call him, since he was holding a construction hat, sighed. Leaning back, he noticed there was no back to the chair, and flailed his arms in an attempt to stop himself, before falling over. Gasping, you ran around the counter and over to him.
"Are you alright?"
You couldn't exactly see his face, since his hardhat he was holding was dropped onto his face, only revealing his mouth. It twisted into what looked like a grimace, and you panicked.
"Are you ok, sir!?" You asked again, poking his hat. He tried to keep a straight face, but it wavered. His lip quivered and you wondered if he was going to cry for a brief second, but then he started laughing. His loud, clear laugh rang throughout the shop, jolting you up.
"Yes, yes I'm fine, thanks for yerr concern though darlin'." He said, pushing his hardhat up. As soon as he looked up, he stopped smiling and you stopped smiling. Your breathing hitched, he's even hotter up close! He seemed to look dumb-struck as you two locked eyes, and you looked away, not being able to stop thinking about his steel blue eyes and piercing gaze.
"...r-right." He said, getting up.
You picked up the chair, putting it back in its original position.
"Well, since you're here, is there anything I can get for you today sir?"
"Call me Dell please, darlin'." He held out his hand. You slowly took it, shaking it.
Why is he telling me his name? Maybe he's just friendly? I mean, I never see him around here, so obviously he doesn't come here often..
"Ah was actually wonderin' if you had spaghetti here. Weird request, ah know, but it's worth a shot askin', I reckoned."
You gulped, wanting to impress him.
"Y-yeah! Coming right up!" You said. He chuckled, sitting at the nearby table and getting comfy.
You gulped.
I've never made spaghetti before!
How the hell do you make spaghetti? Is there some secret recipe?
You panicked, rushing to the back kitchen. You grabbed out a pan, some leftover noodles, and some sauce. You filled the pot with some water, throwing the noodles in.
Maybe the noodles will soak up the water and then cook with the heat or something?
Eh, worth a shot.
For science!

• • •

A little while later, the noodles were nice and wiggly. Well, almost. There were still a few hard spots and some spots seemed to be burnt somehow. You piled them on a plate, realizing you were missing something...
The sauce!
You quickly ran to the fridge in the kitchen and flung it open, your eyes searching frantically for some kind of sauce.
But there were none.
You quickly grabbed a tomato and slammed the door shut, rushing over to the cutting board. You took a hammer and smashed it until it was a juicy pulp, and put it in a bowl. You put some water in the bowl of smashed tomatoes, hoping it would turn into a sauce. You mixed it up and threw it on the plate, beaming at your hard word.
It was a watery mess of sticky noodles and cold slimy tomatoes.
Not your best work, but eh... At least you tried.
You picked up the plate, doubting yourself. What if he laughed? What if he yelled at you? I mean, it doesn't exactly look like spaghetti, but I bet it tastes like it!
You hurried out the kitchen, western style doors swinging behind you. You spotted him at a table, tinkering with a small device. You stopped in your tracks, staring at him.
You can't mess up things now! But then again he's been waiting forever, so...
Your face heated up in embarrassment as you pushed yourself to present the platter.
Setting the plate on the table, he looked up at it then you.
Gulping, a nervous sweat found itself on your face. You smiled a wide fake grin, hoping he would buy it.
It's like that one 'So You Think You Can Cook' show. You know, that one show where a giant bald man who loves sandviches always harshly judges all the cooks? Except this is real life and a guy you want to impress is going to judge you.
He looked back at the plate.
He looked at you.
He looked at the plate.
He looked at you.
He looked at the plate.
He looked at you again.
Plate. You.
Plate. You. Plate. You.
He burst out laughing.
"Darlin', do yah even know how to make spaghetti?"
"Well...... Uhm..."

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