Pt 2 Chapter 7

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I love you, I love you

Laila POV

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning because it was a regular school day. But this morning I smell food.

My fat self automatically ran downstairs to go and get it. When I saw who was cooking it a smile just appeared on my face.

"I can't believe you did this for me! You know I appreciate you for this Bestfriend." Me and Lucas was going to stay like this forever.

I just can't see us in any other way. As soon I said Bestfriend his smile had faded away. But to be honest that's how I feel.

"Lucas what's the matter?" At this point I'm comforting him. "You." "Me! What did I do?"

"This Bestfriend shit needs to stop because we both know that I'm in love with your ass." When those words came out of his mouth I was shocked.

I never knew he felt that way about me. "Wait one minute. Know you over here catching an attitude for what?

Now you know that I liked your ass and you just left me for ms loose pussy." "Aye calm your tone down because we all know that......

You know what just forget it. Why do I even try if I know that you don't even like me like that."

That's when it clicked. I know that Lucas is the person that I have to stay with. "Who said that I don't like you Lucas?

Lucas Coly, would you be my boyfriend?" On his face he was just thinking. I'm like what this mf have to think about.

"Yeah I love too I was just shocked that you will be my lil babebeh." And that's official, me and Lucas are going out.

Also Me and Lucas planned to not go to formal this year because we waiting until junior year to go to prom.

No that's going to be lit. But after this and it was the last day of school. I so ready to leave y'all don't even know.

Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope y'all enjoyed it. Sorry if it's short I'll try better next time.

Laila 💗‼️

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