47. Revelation

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Tablo, Taeyang - EYES, NOSE , LIPS. Cover
"You wish me well, I wish you hell" -Tablo

He collects the bowl from my hands and steps into the room, I follow. Considering his mum killed herself with his birthday cakes knife, I figured this would be an ok replacement but forgot the fact that he may not like the taste.

"What's this?" He asks sitting down on my bed again and taking another spoon.

"Seaweed soup. Koreans have a tradition of giving it to people on their birthdays" I say.

"And you know this because?" He asks.

"I watch their TV shows" I state.

"You speak Korean?" He asks one eyebrow up.

"A little bit but they have subtitles," I state.

"Is that where you learnt to make this?" He asks.

I nod.

"And of course YouTube," I add.

He takes another spoon and makes a weird face. I chuckle.

"You can stop eating if you don't like it, one spoon is enough," I say. He keeps eating ignoring my statement, I shake my head at his stubbornness but smile at the fact that he was willing to eat it even though it didn't suit his taste buds.

"Can you...can I get this every year on this day?" He asks voice unsure.

"But you don't like it," I state.

"True...But I like you," He says and keeps eating.

I blush and stand up feeling embarrassed and nervous at the words.

"I'll be back," I say rushing out to the bathroom.

I step into the bathroom and start walking back and forth.
Lexis said he likes me.


"Oh my Goodness!" I jump in joy and slap my hands across my lips and look around. Seeing no one. I chuckle.

He likes me.

I giggle in joy. He also wants me to make the soup every year. Does that mean he plans on being with me for years to come? As what? A friend? A girlfriend? But he doesn't date, yet he said he likes me. Urghhhhh this is confusing. Has he also changed his views on dating? I lean against the wall and stump my foot against the ground.

A girl steps in and looks at me like I had lost it.

"Sorry," I say rushing out to the kitchen. I start cleaning up the dishes I used to cook. Is it okay if I hope? I wonder as I get done and put out the dishes to dry before returning to the room.

As I step back in I see the bowl finished on the table and Lexis laying on my bed eyes closed.

I smile. Walking over I place the blanket upon him.

"Forgive me," He whispers in his sleep.

     I should be the one sorry, causing you to eat something you don't like. Nervous and excited needing to stop thinking of Lexis and I and what his words mean, I get my maths textbook and start solving problems at the table. The numbers consuming my thoughts.

         I wake up the next day with a blanket draped around me on the bed and no sign of Lexis. I quickly rush up and get ready for class heading out. As I approach the science building I notice Nathan hurrying over and stop to wait for him smiling.

"Shakespeare," I hear and turn to the sight of Lexis walking over. I chuckle. Two brothers who hate each other walking towards a girl they both get along with. This felt like a Korean drama, all that's left was one punching the other or taking the girl away from the second.

      I focus my attention on Lexis noting everything about him. How he walked with an air of confidence and grace. His hair flying with the wind. His eyes sparkling at me. His beautiful lips. His....

"Oh my God!" I say in shock at the sight of Lexis on the ground punched in the face by Nathan.

"You bastard!" Nathan says.

"What the fuck !" Lexis replies looking up in anger and shock at the hit.

"I'm going to kill you,"Nathan says moving to jump in for another hit. I quickly jump in front of Nathan standing between both parties, hands outstretched.

"Wait, Nathan what's going on?!" I say in shock and fear. A crowd had began to gather. I was nervous, I didn't like this. Nathan looked like he could commit murder. It's the first time I had ever seen him angry.

"You're room 234's Virgin," He replies eyes red in anger.

"What does that even mean?" I say confused, nervous, scared and worried looking at him and the crowd behind him.

"That you're the target the bastard and his criminal friends chose and had a bet with to disvirgin in no less than a month," Nathan says.

*Insert evil laughter*

Don't bother coming at me with your pitch forks I'm off to Olympus! I shall not be found Lmao *packs bags and runs on my heels*

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