Love.Laugh.Live ( A PewdieCry Fanfiction) Part 14

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I throw a ball for Maya and she takes it quickly, I chase after her, and stupidly trip over my feet and fall straight onto a stone which crashed into my mask, creating a sharp pain.

"Ryan!" Pewds scrambles over to me "Are you ok bro?" He says kneeling down.

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it friend" I say moving my mask slightly.

"Ryan you're bleeding" Felix says, cupping my face. "Let's go"

He pulls me up and shouts Maya, putting her leash back on her, he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk home.

We get home and Maya runs to her water bowl, I walk to the cupboard and pull out a med pack. I sit on the sofa sideways next to Felix. He wraps his legs around me, shifting me closer to him.

He slowly leans towards me, moving his hand nearer to my mask. His arm was shaking and so am I.

He stares at me and I nod slightly, giving him permission to take it off.

He slowly and carefully pulls it off.

I was ashamed of my face so as soon as he did I looked down, he pulled my chin up and put a plaster on the womb in my forehead and kissed it carefully. I smile and he walks upstairs, off to make his video.

How's it going Bro's? 99 reads in exactly one week is unreal, thankyou so much!

I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am writing it and I look forward to writing more.

Please vote so I know people are enjoying it.

Comment ideas and opinions, all will be taken in to account.

Next Chapter will be abit of Pewds, yaay:)

Brofist Friends - Leasha :)

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