Chapter 35

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*A week later*


"Morning Scottie", Mitch said with a big smile as he handed me a cup of Starbucks.

"Aww thanks, Mitchie. You've taken such good care of me these past few days. You're the best", I said, genuinely meaning it.

"Anything for you Scottie", Mitch said, smiling sweetly.

"Do you feel up to shopping today before rehearsals?" Mitch asked with a hopeful smile.

Today was going to be the first day of rehearsals since we start the Pentatonix World Tour in two and a half months.

"Sure Mitchie", I said with a weak smile.

Even though I'd rather stay at home and watch TV on the couch, I figured I'd go shopping with Mitch since it's the least I can do after all that he's done for me this past week. Mitch has never left my side. He held me when I cried and stopped me from drunkenly texting Alex.

This past week has been the worst week of my life. It's still hard for me to believe that Alex and I aren't together anymore. It hurts when I wake up and reach out to cuddle him, but he isn't there. I miss his infectious smile and his kindness. I still feel so guilty for hurting him so much.

Stop doing this to yourself Scott, I told myself mentally as I felt my eyes fill with tears.

Thankfully Mitch didn't notice.

"Scott, no offence but can you take a shower before we go shopping? You smell foul", Mitch said, failing to hide his disgust.

I laughed and looked up at Mitch's gorgeous face. He was the reason why I could still hold it together, and the reason I knew everything would be okay again.

"Okay Bitchy", I responded, laughing at my own joke.

Mitch rolled his eyes.


"Hey guys", I said to Ben, Avi, Kevin and Kirstie, as Mitch I walked into the arena.

"Scottie what up?" Kevin asked cheerfully as he gave me a fist bump.

"Just went shopping with this queen", I said, pointing at Mitch.

"Man what's with the raccoon eyes?" Kevin asked, sounding concerned.

"I haven't been sleeping too well Kev", I said, avoiding his eyes.

Mitch was the only one in the band who knew that Alex and I broke up. I couldn't deal with telling the rest of them yet.

"Ready to get started?" Ben asked in his usual professional manner.

"Let's go", Avi said, in his deep voice.

We started with Cracked and went on to sing Na Na Na. I was pretty happy with my riff in Cracked, and Mitch was killing it with his solo in Na Na Na. Starting off with these two upbeat songs put me in a happy and energetic mood. I fully immersed myself in the rehearsal and felt much better than I had in days.

We took a short break after running through Papaoutai.

"Scottie, you look so happy", Mitch said, squeezing my hand with a big smile.

"I am Mitchie, everything's coming together so well and I can't wait to start touring", I responded with a big smile.

"I can't wait either", Mitch squealed adorably.

After our break, we ran through No, and it went really well. It was a really fun and energetic song to perform.

"We slayed that one", Mitch said to all of us with a big smile.

"Well done guys", Ben said, nodding approvingly and giving us a thumbs up.

"Alright, the next one is Misbehavin'", Ben said, glancing up from the set list.

"Uhh- okay", I said, feeling my smile vanish.

Misbehavin' has been my favourite song since I was the one who wrote it, and it was fully inspired by Alex. It's our song...

No, it was our song, I thought to myself sadly.

I shook the thought off, and tried my best to be professional.

I started singing:

"A million miles away, and I'm still thinkin' bout my baby.

Ain't misbehavin', no you don't need to worry..."

I couldn't help but think of Alex as I sang. I felt tears form in my eyes, but I wiped them off before anyone could notice.

As we neared the chorus, I couldn't control the tears from streaming down my cheeks.

I miss him so much, I thought to myself as I struggled to keep my voice steady.

"Oh but I, never lie

Cause I'm y-yours", I choked, unable to hold myself together.

I burst into tears and mumbled "Sorry" before I ran to my car.

I sat in the passenger seat and held my face in my hands as I cried.

I couldn't help but relive the memory of Alex yelling and breaking up with me, as I sobbed uncontrollably.

A few seconds later, Mitch opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

"Scottie, come here, it's okay", he said, pulling me into his arms.

"I-I'm sorry Mitch, I tried to h-hold it together, but I couldn't. I'm l-letting Ben and the whole b-band down", I choked between sobs.

"Scottie, it's okay. You're not letting any of us down. I told the band you weren't feeling well and that we're going home. You'll have to tell them about the break up next time Scottie, they need to know", Mitch responded gently, as he ran his hand up and down my back.

"I will", I said, pulling out of the hug and wiping my tears.

As Mitch started driving, he glanced at me and said, "I promise it will get better Scott".

"I hope so".

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