Chapter 36

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"What do you feel like doing tonight?" Mitch asked, when we reached home from the unsuccessful tour rehearsal.

"Watching TV. Do you wanna join me?" I asked in a weak voice, still upset about ruining the rehearsal.

"Sure", Mitch said with a smile, sitting on the couch.

"Come, lie here Scooter", Mitch said, placing a pillow on his lap.

"Thanks Mitchie", I said gratefully as I lay on his lap.

We watched a few episodes of Spongebob, which made me laugh a little.

As we neared the last episode, Mitch gently stroked my hair. I closed my eyes and instantly felt calm and relaxed under his warm touch.

I could lie like this forever, I thought, feeling content.

"Scott are you asleep?" Mitch asked after a minute.

"No, but I'm so comfortable", I responded with a smile, keeping my eyes closed and leaning into his touch.

He pulled his hand back, and I pouted at the loss of contact.

"Let's get you to bed Scottie", Mitch chuckled.

I reluctantly got up from the couch and walked towards to my room.

"Night Scott", Mitch said as he began walking towards his own room.

"Mitch, can you sleep with me tonight? I-I don't want to be alone", I said softly, looking into his big brown eyes.

"Um, sure Scottie", Mitch responded slightly hesitantly, and followed me into my bedroom.

He lay beside me on my bed. I glanced side ways at him and whispered, "Thanks for everything Mitch."

He smiled warmly and turned to face me, "Stop thanking me Scottie, that's what I'm here for".

I smiled back at him.

"Good night Scott", he whispered, attempting to kiss my cheek.

Before I could stop myself, I deliberately turned my face and made our lips connect.

I felt electricity surge through my body as his warm lips touched mine. To my disappointment, he pulled back quickly and glanced at me with wide eyes.

"Sc-", Mitch gasped.

I ignored him and pulled his face towards mine, hungrily smashing our lips together. After hesitating for a few seconds, he kissed me back. Kissing Mitch, was unlike kissing anyone else. It was the only thing that felt right, and it made me realise what I had been missing out on for so long.

Mitch opened his mouth, and I intertwined our tongues together. Our tongues moved together perfectly in sync as we kissed passionately. I lowered my mouth and started sucking on his neck.

Mitch suddenly gasped and pushed me off him.

"S-Scott stop, we can't do this. I understand you're hurting and confused, but we can't do this", he panted.


"Let's just sleep", Mitch pleaded, cutting me off.

He turned his back towards me, and I pouted.

"Can I at least hold you?" I asked cautiously.

After a pause, he said, "Okay".

I spooned him and felt electricity surge through me, as his warm body pressed against mine.

"Night Mitch", I whispered into his ear.

I felt bad about upsetting Mitch. He probably thought I just wanted him for rebound sex... I want to tell Mitch that I'm in love with him and I want to be with him, but it's too soon. I need time to heal first.

A.N. Scomiche will happen!

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