Episode 7 - Aetherneal Bond

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Previously on Aethernea

Elaru introduces the effects of Aetherneal bond to Kiel, and he determines that it would be very beneficial to him and agrees to sign the contract with her. The contract will merge their souls which will allow them to share mana. It will also connect their minds allowing them to communicate telepathically. 

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It didn't take them long to learn how to cast the trigger spell; it had a foreign shape yet it was simple to weave. Elaru knew what the trigger spell was supposed to look like and was able to reproduce it on her first try; she said she'd seen it before but had never performed it herself nor had it taught to her.

The oath of truth had expired and Elaru didn't sign it again. However, Kiel didn't think she was lying about it. He was pleased with her magic skill, it was only fitting for his partner to be a skilled mage.

Kiel was able to pick up the spell just as quickly. He didn't want to be outperformed by her. Therefore, he concentrated extra hard. The trigger spell wasn't hard to reproduce. However the difficulty was not in the trigger spell itself, it was in the timing. Elaru revealed that he needed to cast the trigger to start the magic reaction, but she had to confirm it with her own spell before the contract activated. Their spellcasting was required to be in sync for the trigger to work.

Kiel thought Elaru would tell him to follow her lead. Instead, she told him to start casting and she would copy him. That surprised him, she seemed headstrong, prideful and independent, someone who makes their own way instead of following ways of others; still, he didn't complain about it. He didn't like adapting to other people's pace anyway. It was better this way.

Therefore, Kiel spent a while casting and recasting, under the watchful eye of Elaru, trying to get a feel for the spell so he could reproduce it with consistency. Elaru watched him with an unreadable expression, she seemed to be concentrating and dedicating all her attention on his spellcasting. Like she was trying to absorb its every twitch and movement to be able to predict the flow of his weaving.

Kiel took a few short breaks to drink and eat the bagel he stored in his pouch this morning. However Elaru never even once stopped to rest, drink or eat. He was even mean enough to eat and drink right in front of her. He ate tantalizingly slowly trying to tempt her. He even used augmentation magic to reheat the bagel so that the warm, sweet smell of cherries would spread around the clearing mixing with the earthy smell of the forest.

He expected her to glare at him and call him insensitive, or, at least, ask him to share (he would have enjoyed telling her no). However, she paid no attention to it. She continued staring at him as if he was a specimen she was studying. As though she was an apparatus running on mana who needed no nutrition from worldly substances.

The sun was high in the sky by the time they were ready to attempt it for real.

Kiel was eager to get it over with; his water had run out half an hour ago. If Elaru wasn't such a freak, she might have noticed his thirst and transmuted him some water from the air with her transmutation magic. He thought about asking her, but his pride got in the way. Kiel didn't like asking for help. He was just fine on his own.

Soon enough the fateful moment arrived. They were ready to attempt it for real.

They faced each other, holding each other's gaze. Elaru nodded, Kiel nodded back. They needed no words to convey the meaning; at the same time, they started waiving the trigger spell around their right hands.

Kiel couldn't see it, but he could feel the spells dancing around their arms coming closer and closer to one another. It was a delicate, beautiful dance.

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