20; Sides, preppy clothes, and darkness

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"WHAT?!" Zayn screams, looking at me with hugely wide eyes. "No, no, no. You're lying." He frantically pushes at the lift button. "Come on!"

"You think I find this funny?" I say. "Stop! You're going to break it and then we'll never get out."

He turns to me, face ridden with worry. He gives the lift a swift kick before leaning against it and running his hands through his hair. "This can't be happening," he mumbles.

"There has to be another way out." I look around the large space we're in. "Maybe we're not the last people in here." But even as I say it, I know there's not. We're alone, and we're trapped.

"This isn't cool, Princess. Whatever game you're playing at, it's not funny."

I turn to Zayn, absolutely livid. "Excuse me? You think I planned this?"

"Who's the one that knows London better?" He snaps.

"Look, I just lost track of time. Plus, you were the one that wanted to come up here in the first place."

"If I had known coming up here would result in me being trapped with you, I wouldn't have come now would I?"

"Believe me, I feel exactly the same way," I spit through gritted teeth. This is unbelievable. Who knows how long I'll be stuck up here for, and with Zayn? God, of all people. Really. I'd rather be stuck with the cleaner, or better yet; alone.

Zayn paces forward. He's trying to think of a solution to this extreme disaster because it's silently agreed by the both of us; there is no way in hell we are spending the whole night together.

"When will we be allowed out?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't know." He shoots me a look. "I don't! Honestly! Our best chance is if a worker comes up during the night, but otherwise ... we're stuck here 'til morning."

He holds his head back and lets out a loud, strangled groan. "I hate you for this," he says.

I just ignore him and look around for things that will be beneficial to us. The lights are still on, which is a huge plus, and the place isn't particularly cold. There's clothes all around us; well, men's ones and children's, but if needed I'll put something on. To be real, out of all the places to be trapped with someone you want to set on fire, the fifth floor of Harrods isn't really the worst place. I mean, this whole floor is huge. Zayn and I can go sit on opposite sides and wait until morning alone.

"I'm going to the children's section," I tell him. "You stay here."

He suddenly looks confused. "Why?"

"Because, dumb ass, just because I'm trapped in here with you doesn't mean I'm spending the whole night with you. You stay on your side, I'll stay on mine." I begin walking.

When Worlds Collide - A Zayn Malik FanficWhere stories live. Discover now