Chapter 40: Peek A Boo! I See....

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Please vote/comment/ read the chapter before this if you can't already! :) i really wrote this quick chapter because someone requested I do so for their birthday (Dedication) (Happy Birthday! :DDD). I've never really done this before when people requested, but I felt like writing for this book so I did it anyways XD! 

~There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for. ~Give me a sign, I want to believe ~He senses something called a desperation 


Why am I not home? I asked myself for the eightieth time as I organized David’s humongous stack of papers. David, having an important client, literally pushed me into the vacant office, told me to file the stack of papers on the desk and then told me quote, “If I can hear you from the waiting room chit-chatting with Carol again, I’m tossing you out of the damn window head first.”

“You say the sweetest things,” I replied coolly, staring at the twelve foot something stack of paper on the mahogany desk.

He’s such a Debbie downer.

I yanked up the long sweatpants and took a large gulp of the diet iced tea I stole from David’s mini-fridge hidden next to his water cooler. There was only one left, and since I had agreed on staying a few more hours—I matters into my own hands, literally.

I knew how much David loved his precious iced-teas and sugary latte’s after a client. He said he got a ‘Sugar low’ from bargaining so much with loans. When I asked him if he had some sort of disease like diabetes in a caring way, he said:

“Mind your own freaking business, Miss Williams.”

Miss Williams.

Ooh, how that poked at my nerves with a sharp needle.

Miss Williams do this, Miss Williams do that, Miss Williams get your head out of your butt and tell Carol to tell Margaret to tell Devin that I’m staying late again and not to lock up.

Ok, maybe that last one was a bit specific.

It wasn’t just the way he was speaking to me today, it was the way his whole personality. It seemed…off. For instance, how he brushed me off numerous times that day and said my butt was massive in his sweatpants.

Who says that to a girl?

“I hate working for a man,” I muttered bitterly. “They’re always so predominating in everything they do.”

As I was filing another set of paper I heard a soft tap. I stood frozen, listening for the noise again and found it was coming from the giant cabinet in the other side of the room. That can’t be…

The door handle jiggled like the person inside was trying to figure out how to open it. I slowly made my way to the office door, my lips shaking. You have to be kidding me!

The handle stopped moving, and the door opened with a creek.

That’s when the spiders began to crawl out.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and dove for the office door, my heart in my throat. I pulled it open, whipped my head around at the cabinet right when it started to open, and ran out of the room and--

--Collided face-first into David Star’s sheetrock of a chest.

I fell backwards onto the floor, clutching my nose and stunned.

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