Chapter 11

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Wonderland - Taylor Swift
You searched the world for something else
To make you feel like what we had
And in the end in wonderland
We both went mad


"So when you say a horse got loose-" I pause, allowing for him to complete the sentence.

Caught at a red light, he glances over at me and says, "One of our newer horses. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but this one is a bit unpredictable. Not to mention too massive for her own good. She likes to throw her weight around, and I guess she spooked my mother when she was switching her water bucket."

"Is your mom all right?" I ask, remembering the time Trig threw me into the side of his stall. I stop the memory there though, not allowing myself to relive Avery carrying me out.

"Oh yeah, my mom is fine. The mare, on the other hand, is nowhere to be seen."

Despite myself, I feel a surge of concern for the horse. "You said she's massive- what breed is she?"

"Alice? She's a Percheron," he tells me, taking a right turn down a

"That's an odd name for a horse, don't you think?"

He chuckles. "I suppose. She came to us with it- Alice in Wonderland."

I quirk my head to the side.

"That's her show name," he clarifies.

"Has she shown a lot?"

"Yeah, she did. She was this amazing show jumper. Brought in all the blue ribbons. She's absolutely gorgeous, Alice is. But her old owner had a bad fall. Ruined his career. After that, he couldn't stand to be around her anymore. He kept her boarded up for a while, but she went stir-crazy sitting alone in that stall. By the time he made up his mind to sell her, she was so messed up that she wouldn't go for what she was really worth. My grandfather took her off his hands- he saw something in her I guess. But now that he's gone-"

I place my hand on his forearm, saddened by the story and the look of loss on his face. I know that look. I've worn it often.

Before I have the chance to say anything in response, we pull into the ranch.

The only words I can think of to describe it are massive and beautiful. There's a gorgeous wooden barn in the center of the property, with a loft situated on top. Then there's a massive sand arena with a jumps course currently set up, and a round ring for lunging. A ranch style house sits a couple hundred yards away from the barn, and I can spot a screened pool peeking out from behind their house.

But the buildings are just a speck on the property, as there are fields and forests surrounding the place. I bet that there are trails for miles. Part of me yearns to explore them.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I shake the thoughts out of my head when Tyler starts to get out of the car. The moment the door opens, I'm hit with a familiar wave of horse smells, and my mind is taken back to summer. I close my eyes, almost feeling my hands tangled in Trigger's mane.


I snap my eyes open, flashing them up to meet Tyler's concerned gaze.

"Are you getting out?"

"Do you mind if I stay in the car?" I ask. "I don't think I'll be much help finding your mare."

He smiles softly at me. "Whatever makes you comfortable. Feel free to go look around if the urge strikes you."

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