Battle School

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Cora's P.O.V.


The next day was my first day of battle school, and I was excited. Horace was too. Will had found out last night that he is Halt's apprentice. I was happy for him, but Horace made fun of him.

My exact words were, "Would you like me to do to your face what I did to Rodney's?"

"No! I'm good!" Horace laughed.

When we got to battle school, all I heard was, "That's the girl that hit Sir Rodney! Don't want to tick her off."

We started drills the next day. Horace and I were better than normal. We excelled with the sword and I could tell. There was also something wrong with him. He was upset about something, but we never get any time to talk, and I can't believe I am saying this, but I miss Will and George.

Right after lunch, I walked past a group of three second year apprentices. They said something about torturing the ward brat and I said, "Excuse me?"

"What?" one asked.

"What did you just say?"

"Don concern your pretty little self with it." he replied in a failing attempt to flirt.

"I would like to know what you said." I said firmly.

"We were just talking about the new ward brat, that's all. Like I said, there is no need to concern your pretty little self with it." he said, stepping closer. I punched straight forward with my left, and hooked with my right. His face was twice as bad as Rodney's,  and he was dazed for a moment.

"That's my brother, you jack***!!" I yelled, storming away to find Horace.

I found him standing in the creek with a rock above his head.

"Horace! What are you doing?" I asked him.

"The second years have been picking on me, and I continue to listen because I thought it was normal." he said, confused.

"No it isn't! Put the rock down and come on you idiot."

The next day, I was taken to Rodney's office.

"You wish to speak with me sir?"

"Yes. The second years. What happened? They say you hit him for no good reason."

"No good reason!? I punched him because the three of them have been bullying Horace since we got here and Horace won't stand up for himself because he thinks it is normal!"

"That is all I needed to know, thank you. By the way, you and your brother have amazing sword skills. You will do great things some day."

"Thank you, sir." I started to walk out.

"And Cora, one more thing."

"Yes sir?"

"A letter came in for you from the scribe school. The sender said it was urgent." He smiled as he handed it to me.

"Thank you."

When I left, I went to find Horace. Even thought I probably shouldn't read this with him, I will anyways.

The bullies were beating him up again, but he was fighting back.

"Hey, Scram!" I yelled, and they were gone. Then Horace turned to me.

"Did you do that to his face?"

"Yes, and I got a letter."

"From who?"

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