Chapter 12 - Secrets

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Kalen woke up slowly. Inside, she felt wonderful. Today she would tell Jace everything. She made her way out of bed and got dressed. Looking at herself in the mirrior, she saw her beauitfully striaghtened red hair along with her brown eyes.

She quicky hurried downstairs. Luckly no one was up. Quietly like a succring mouse, she slipped out of the door. She went to the school quicker then what she expected. It had only taken her seconds, an hour if she was human.

She approached the campus with a smile on her face. Students walked around talking to theire friends like nothing had ever happened. In the cornor of her eye, she spotted Dustin and Seth sharpening stakes in there hands. They laughed as bits of wood curled off the wood and onto the grass by there feet.

She heard there conversation:

"Welcome to the five." Seth said as he bowed infront of Dustin. Dustin grinned as he loked at the 3 other black hair boys surrounding him.

"To prove your worthy, you must scarfice you blood onto the grass. This will show your willing to spill the blood of the supernatural." Seth said confidently as he handed him a silver dagger.

Dustin took it and stared at his reflection. He didnt hestiate so slowly he moved the dagger across the inside of his wrist. Blood dripped out in tiny dots on the grass as Dustin looked up, his hand termbling from the cut.

The others looked at each other with knowing looks. He did it without hestiatnion.


Kalen gasped, putting a hand to her mouth quickly hiding in the shadows. She felt warmth genertate next to her as she looked up at the face she'd bumped into.

"Jace?" She barely spoke a whisper. She touches his chest, feeling his steady heart beat htrough her feeling in her hands.

He intisntly put his hands over her and bowed his head down his face coing to see her in the light. Visible black bags were under his eye from his lack of sleepless nights. His brown hair was tousled over and his eyes were a pale green.

"Kale!" He exclaimed pulling her into a tight hug.

She hugged him back the same, burying her face in his chest. he could hear choked sobs as he held her close to him.


Kayden knew Kalen was gone the moment he opened his eyes. No note only to the emptyness in his stomach. Getting out of bed, leaving Renee sleeping rolled on her side breathing evenly and softly. He tiptoed his way downstairs to smell pancakes roam around the room. He followed it to see Cera by the stove, flipped the pancakes with grace. He could smell the buttermilk alomost immeadilty.

"Kale's gone." Cera said as she served him 2 round golden brown pancakes with a pat of butter and syrup.

He sat down completely shocked, yet not that much suprised. "I know. Did you see her leave?"

She nodded as she served herself and sat down across from him. "Yea, she said the latest she would be back was tomorrow."

With a sigh, Kayden took a bite of pancake in his mouth. It was warm and fluffly. It melt-in-your-mouth. He sighed as he stuffed his face. He looked up, seeing Cera who only stared at him baffled.

"What? Im hungry!" He countered wiping his mouth.

She giggled as she reached for the glass of blood in front of her. "Thank you for saving me. It means alot. I htought you were a jerk-."

He raised his hand to stop her and only smiled. "Any of Kalens friends is a friend of mine. "

She smiled at him.

Reverse (Book 1 of The Hybrid Chronicles)(Completed and *Unedited*)Where stories live. Discover now