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Who have you tought about?
He could be anyone :your father, your brother or your lover.

This is not about my father. He doesnt deserve this chapter of my life. But he does. He, is someone I barely talk to.A stranger,a mystery... A friend that I would love to have. And one day,my wish because true. It wasn't long after my father's visit, not long after the man who was supposed to raise me trued  to take me away from my home.
I was sitting on the stairs in the back garden at noon in a cold autumn day. No one was out, it was cold to the bone,so cold that your own soul was shivering... So,I lit a cigarette. Then another one,and,another one. And then,he appeared in the view. He,the one who was always a mistery to me.
He didn't talk at first, stopping a few steps away from me, looking at me.His eyes stopped on my cigarette and a soft sigh escaped his lips.He looked disappointed, but why would he feel that? When we are nothing more than two souls,strangers living under the same roof.
'Where did you get those?' he asked in a husky voice. He never talks,that's what I know. Not to the teachers,not to the other students, maybe he's crazy like me, and talks only with his ' demons '.
'I got them from Vivien ' I said not believing my own words.
'They'll destroy you ' he said taking a step closer.
' That's exactly what I want '. That,was my simply and sincere response. 'I want to.. I.. I want to destroy Air and her whole existence... I want to..I want to ruin her.. Even if that means..runing myself '
   It was the first time I admitted my plan, my secret to someone other than myself, someone other than Air...
  'But if you dissapear people will miss you' he said stepping closer,' If you dissapear nothing will be the same with this world again.. Everyone is important ' he said and stepped closer'But I guess that there is nothing I can do to stop you,I am not a man of speech anyway ' he said and took one of the cigarettes then lit it, slowly taking it to his lips 'So I am going to destroy myself with you ' he said and sat down next to me.
None of us said anything anymore

My Air(Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now