Thief!Levi x YoungAbandonedAckerman!Reader- Lost Boy

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(my first songfic. The song is Lost boy by Ruth B)

There was a time when i was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home

My only friend was the man in the moon

And even sometimes he would go away, too

(No one's POV)

Y/n lived underground. The place where the poor and hopeless thieves thrived. It was filthy and lurked with danger and plagues. Every year fate would be cruel and a sickness would work its horrible magic. Infecting the innocent. Helping the rich instead of the poor. Well, at least thats how it was viewed by her. She was abandoned as a child, her parents deeming her 'invaluable' to their clan. She would always get sick too easily. Unbestowed upon her was the last name title of Ackerman. After all, she wasn't worthy of the title.

Levi was somewhat in the same situation. His mother, Kuchel Ackerman was a prostitute. When accidentally getting pregnant by one of her clients, she refused to listen to her brother and keep the baby. Later on after Levi was born, she contracted a disease from a different client and died. Her brother, Kenny Ackerman, raised him to fight and defend himself. When Kenny deemed Levi able to properly protect himself, he abandoned him.

You could say that the two were destined for each other. But as said, that's not how Y/n saw it.

Some merchants caught Y/n stealing bread and chased her into an alleyway, passing three people in the process. Y/n had a fearful look in her eyes as she was cornered in the dark alleyway. The merchants were keen on their objectives for making her pay. It didn't matter that she was so young. They looked past that. All that mattered to them was that she stole from them.

"Shouldn't you guys be picking on someone your own size!" A voice yelled at the end of the alleyway. The merchants turned towards the owner of the vocal projection. It was a woman with two men. One merchant spoke.

"That doesn't matter! She stole from us and now she's gonna pay!"

One of the men sneered in disgust. "Tch. I hate men like you." He turned to face his supposed comrade to Y/n, who stood there in fear and anticipation. "Farlan. Isabel. I'll handle these pigs. Get the girl to and clean her up." The man ordered.

Who the young girl supposed her Farlan and Isabel saluted the man and ran towards her, making Y/n squeak and hide her face.

"It's okay, we're on your side," The woman soothed while reaching her arms out towards her. It only made Y/n coward further. The leader of the angry sellers smacked her hands away and grabbed her, running down the alley.

"Levi! 3:00 to your left!" Farlan shouted.

Levi focused on the man with Y/n in his grip and crouched slightly, watching and deciding his aim. At the right time he yelled "Duck" and the girl did just that. Levi lifted his left leg, turning on his right foot and roundhouse kicked the man square in the face, sending him flying into the other merchants. He dropped Y/n in the process, who stood up and ran to Levi, salty pearls leaving clean streaks down her dirty face. Isabel and Farlan made their way to Levi, the merchants running away in terror.

"Well that was fun." Farlan commented. Levi was more interested in Y/n's long jet black hair, a trait for all Ackermans. Her hair had a couple strands of brown and blonde, but mostly black. Levi looked up, his eyes becoming wide once he realized how scared she was. He felt this strange sense to protect her. The Ackerman wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, holding her close as she weeped. 

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