Bad Boy Love~ Part 19

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I opened the door and immediately started hearing screams and moans.

I couldn't believe who I saw on that bed in the middle of a huge bedroom.

It was Kiefer.

Katie's boyfriend was having sex with another girl at a party! What a man whore!

"Kiefer?!" I screeched as him and the skank turned to look at me.

"Is that your girlfriend, Katie?" asked the drunken girl who was completely unaware of the fact that she needed to cover her boobs so that I wouldn't see them.

"No, it's her Goodie Goodie friend Mia," he chuckled as he threw a shoe across the room at me, but I easily dodged the flying shoe.

"Can we have some privacy?" asked the girl as she tried throw a shoe at me, but she epicly failed her attempt, as it hit a lamp and broke it.

"You asshole!" I roared at him as I ran over to the side if the bed, threw my drink on him, and then slapped him across the face.

Ow. I cringed as my hand stung from the hard slap.

"Bitch!" he screamed as he got out of the bed, grabbed me by my hair, and threw me out onto the floor of the hallway.

"Ow!" I screamed in pain as I hit the cold floor and knocked a table over in the process.

He stormed over to me and looked down on me as I checked myself for any broken bones.

"Leave me and the slut alone!" he screamed and pulled his hand back before his fist came flying at my face.

I clenched my eyes shut and expected to black out. I heard a punching noise, but I didn't feel anything. There was a bang as if a large body hit the ground, and relief washed through me.

I cracked my eyes open to see a teen guy standing there that I had never seen before. He had one of those shaved heads where they cut patterns into your hair, and he had the name of our high school 'Oakwood High' along with the football team we had 'Pumas'. He had bright green eyes and a chiseled jaw line and looked to be about 6 feet tall.

"Thank you!" I smiled and popped up to greet the stranger.

He ignored greeting and stormed over to Kiefer with blood boiling in his face. He grabbed Kiefer by his arm and stared at him, "No one invited you to this Kiefer, go home. You're fucking drunk and you are an ass when your drunk. Scratch that, you're always an ass," the stranger said through clenched teeth.

Kiefer stumbled up and ran down the stairs and out the door.

"Sorry, you're not hurt are you? Do you need ice?" asked the kind guy.

"My ribs feel a little messed up, but I'll be fine," I said as I stretched out my back.

"Do I know you?" he asked.

"I don't think so, I'm Maya. I came here with Jake Groom, I have to live with his family cause my mom is on a business trip," I said as I shook his firm hand.

"Oh! Jake is awesome, if he gives you a hard time, just get to know him more. That guy has been through a lot," he said.

"Oh! And my name is Taylor," he finished.


He is the owner of this house.

"Oh yeah! You own this place," I exclaimed as I looked around the gigantic house that was filled with drunk, stoned, and passed out teens.

"Kinda," he said as he scratched his neck, "My parents own it, but we come up here every Winter," he smiled.

"Sounds fun," I said, "Can you show me where the bathroom is?" I asked.

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