Sixty Seven || Big Spoon

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Maybe a smile isn't a smile, maybe it's just a facial expression with not much of a meaning behind it. I suppose the it ensures the people around you that you are doing okay. The strange thing is that sometimes you do it so that people think you're doing okay, when you certainly are not.

At this point I'm contemplating jumping out the window and freezing to death. This house is crowded, loud and hot. I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to take this. I lived with five brothers not so long ago and I have no idea why this is such a problem for me.

My mother has the heat on, plus the oven has been on all day, making it even more hotter. It's not only me either. I can everyone else is starting to get pissed off with eachothertoo and this is only the first day. Although everyone keeps friendly towards eachother, which brings me back to the meaningless smile. We'll smile at eachother as we talk to eachother when really all we want you is to get out. Like my mother mentioned before, us Andersons' have firery tempers and sometimes it gets so bad that fights break out. All in good time.

As I look over at my brother who is also sitting on the couch with his wife, I feel like I am going to strangle him he doesn't stop shaking the couch. Every single time he shakes his leg, the couch vibrates and I will lose it.

I huff and stand up. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the kitchen table, next to my father. Well, in here the window is in open, so my parents and James must be pretty comfortable.

"Do you know that it is like eight five degrees in there?" I ask. Well maybe not that, but it certainly feels like it.

My father looks up from his book, "Well, then open a window in there."

"OH! I did not think of that! Thank you so much, dad!" I return, sarcasm pouring out of my mouth.

He raises an eyebrow at him, "Don't give me that additude, Vena. What is wrong with the window?"

"They're frozen shut."

He sighs, "Well, then open the door and wave some cold air in."

I sigh and lay my head down on the table. James looks back at me from what he is doing and gives me a small smile, not showing his teeth.

As James stands there, helping my mom prepare food, I watch him. It makes me so happy that he found something in common with my boyfriend. I really am not joking about the cooking show, it'll be 'James and His Girlfriend's Mom Cooking'. I can see it.

"Sweetheart, can you please grab the lettuce out of the fridge?" my mom asks.

I drag myself out of my chair and off the table and grab the lettuce and hand it to her. "Thank You."

I smile and nod. I stare at James for a moment and he looks at me, but I am no longer smiling. He sees my raw expression

He puts his hand on my back and kisses the side of my head. When I look over at my dad, he is smirking down at the pages in his book and my mother and is smiling at us.

"You guys are so cute," my mom smiles.

James smiles, "Okay, I'm going to show you how to garnish this thing."



"Jeana, shut up. You are annoying everyone here. Just shut it," my uncle finally says something to stop my aunt to continuing babbling about some thing that happened at work. Honeslty, I tuned her out a long time ago.

I waved some cold air into the living room and I could feel that after that people weren't boiling with angry anymore. I can't imagine how Alissa is feeling. The fact of being pregnant must be annoying enough, but add on heat and people and the world must feel like it's going up in flames.

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