Chapter 95

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Who invited Kate? Like why is she here, I know I didn't invite her.

I can only imagine how she will react when she finds out that i'm engaged, my parents told me that she cried when she found out that Lauren and I were having a baby, she'll probably flip shit.

I totally froze when I saw her talking to Lauren at the door, I quickly ran back into the kitchen to find my parents talking about some random shit, I walked up to them, glaring at them the whole time.

"Who Invited Kate?!" I whisper shouted so she wouldn't hear me

"I did, Is there a problem?" I mom said in a confused tone, she doesn't know that Kate is like crazy in love with me, she even stalked me for a while...

"Mom, She's like in love with me" She looked shocked for a second

"Well I'm sorry" She apologized

"Fuck, she's going to ruin everything" I groaned and put my face in my hands

"Honey it can't be that bad" My dad tired to calm me down but it didn't work I really don't want Kate to ruin this for me, she'll probably make up some shit and tell it to Lauren, Oh hell I left Lauren with Kate, Kate could be telling her things I can't let that happen.

I ran out of the kitchen most likely leaving my parent confused as hell and ran for the living room where Lauren was.

"Babe!" I nearly shouted when I reached her, she was still talking to Kate.

"Yeah?" I looked at me with a glare, damn Kate probably told her something already

"I need to talk to you" She nodded but didn't move "In private" She nodded again and followed me to our bedroom

"What?" She said sounding annoyed

"Babe what did she say to you?"

"Oh nothing really except that ya'll use to date and how she was your first" She said sounding mad "I thought I was your first" She frowned

"You were" I looked her in the eyes

"So she lied?" She asked me

"Yes, She a family friend we never dated but she's like in love with me so yeah" She nodded and walked over to me embracing me in a hug

"So what is she going to do when we announce that we are getting married?" She asked sounding concerned

"Well, she cried when my parents told her that we are having a baby so she might flip out" She nodded then kiss my cheek

"I love you" She leaned over again and planted a kiss on my lips

"I love you too" I wrapped my arm around her waist and we walked out of the bed room together

"OOH Y/N GOT SOME" Dinah yelled, Lauren's face went red with embarrassment

"No Dinah we were talking" I shook my head and laughed

"So talking is code for sex?" She asked

"NO" Lauren said "Now shut it my parents are now here" Dinah laughed but nodded

Not long after that Lauren's family approached us with wide smiles, greeting us properly and we the started a conversation about the baby which was nice, well until Mike pulled me aside to have a chat with me

Now Mike and I were alone in the kitchen, I was waiting for him to speak.

"So" He paused "I see you already proposed" See what you didn't know is that I asked for his permission to marry his daughter, I'm just awesome like that.

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