Chapter 4: Together

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Salem POV

Tyler. That's all thats on my mind. Him and his lips. Those things are amazing. He actually made me feel so much better.

Mom- SAE!

Salem- Yea?

Mom- Someone's here to see you.

I got up and ran down the steps excitedly. I don't know why, but I thought it was Tyler. But once I saw who it was, I slowed down.

??- Hi beautiful.

Salem- What are you doing here Sam?

He put on an innocent face because my mom was there.

Sam- What do you mean? I just want you back, Sae. I'm in love with you, you have no idea.

Salem- Stop it, you're only doing this because I've found someone else.

Sam- So you've moved on?

Salem- Yes! We broke up nine months ago, of course I did! Get over it Samuel. I'm sorry.

He nodded and gave me a look before walking out, slamming the door behind him. My mom looked at me apologetically.

Mom- Are you okay sweety?

Salem- yea.

Mom- And so who's Tyler?

I shrugged and found myself smiling.

Mom- Aw Salem!

Salem- Stop. And he's a boy I like. He likes me also. He lives two houses down, too.

Mom- Bonita's son?!

Salem- Yea.

Mom- AW SAE!

I shooed her away and she laughed. I'm glad she's accepting.

6 Months Later..

So Tyler and I are extremely close now. He's my best friend. But, I'm also in love with him. He tells me he loves me and shit, but we aren't togeter. I don't get it. But I guess only time will tell.

Tyler POV

This nigga Samuel's been eyeing me all day. Pissing me off. I wanna say something to him, but my niggas won't let me. But they don't run me.

I got up from the lunch table, even though they told me not to. When I was approaching the table, Sam saw me and laughed and nudged his niggas.

Tyler- Look, nigga. I don't know what the fuck your problem is. Just leave me the fuck alone. I don't want no beef, aight?

He stood up and walked towards me.

Sam- I'll leave you the fuck alone when you stop fucking with Salem.

Next thing you know, he shoves me and I punch him. All my niggas start fighting his niggas and we're just going at it.

Sam gets me in a chokehold but I twist out of it and knee him in the balls. I get a hit to the face in and he punches me back. Soon, the principal and some staff come in and break the shit up. All I can do is glare at the nigga, but i crack a smile when I see how much damage I did.

He has a black eye developing, a bloody cut over his eyebrow, and alot more all over his face.

Principal- MY OFFICE, NOW!

3 Hours Later...

We just got out of school. I have three day suspension, Sam a week. Fuck



I knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Salem came to the door in a long t-shirt. I don't think she has anything on under, knowing her. Shit, I'm hard as fuck now.

I rushed past her into the bathroom and I closed the door. I thought of some happy shit and I was fine.

When I got upstairs to her room, she was laying down. I went and laid next to her. She looked at my face and got concerned, sitting up.

Salem- What happened to your face?

Tyler- Sam.

Salem- Are you okay?!

Tyler- Yea. He was worse off than I was. Shit. He had a bloody face and black eyes and everything.

She nodded and bent over and kissed the cuts on my face and her lips got to mine. Her hands roamed my chest from under my shirt and mine settled on her ass.

We started making out and a soft moan escaped from her as we kissed. I broke the kiss and started kissing on her neck and shit which drove her crazy. Then, she giggled and pushed me off.

Tyler- What!

Salem- I'm ticklish. And Tyler, why don't we just be together? I don't want us to be labeled as like, fuck buddies. I wanna be with you.

Tyler- You do?

Salem- Yes! Dude, I really like you alot.

Tyler- You're kidding right?

Salem's cheeks got red. It's a habit of hers.

Salem- Do you feel the same, Tyler?

She was dead serious. I thought about it for a bit. She sort of thought I was gonna say no.

Salem- Fuck. I knew it.

She started to get up but I pulled her back and sat her on my lap.

Tyler- Salem, I've liked you even when I first saw you that night at the arcade, nigga. And my feelings only got stronger.

She smiled a little and I kissed her neck playfully, causing her to laugh. I jumped on top of her and smothered her with kisses as she giggled. She pecked my lips and got under her covers.

I lifted them up and got under with her. We just laid there, facing each other, not saying anything. We kissed occasionally and yea. Then I spoke.

Tyler- Salem, I don't give a fuck about Sam. I wanna be with you, regardless of what he has to say or do.

Salem- But Tyler, he's crazy.

Tyler- I don't fucking care, Sae. I won't let him or anyone get in the way.

She smiled and pecked my lips.

Tyler- So, Salem, will you be my girlfriend?

She pretended to think about it. I laughed and she smiled.

Salem- I think that can be arranged.

I slapped her ass and she laughed and we made out some more. I'm so happy right now, you have no idea.

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