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At dinner Nicole was talking about Melissa to Mum and Dad. She seemed really excited and genuinely happy. It made me smile to see her so overjoyed about something.

I kept noticing that Gemma was looking at me. I had absolutely no idea as to why, and honestly I wasn’t exactly sure I wanted to know why.

When dinner was finished Nicole helped me with the dishes, and Gemma stayed downstairs instead of hibernating in her room like usual. I think it’s because she was waiting to talk to me, so I quickly planned out a way to escape as soon as I had finished.

“You’re terrible at this,” Nicole tells me, distracting me. I smile.

“Like you’re any better.”

“Oh, I am so much better at washing dishes than you are,” she jokes, smirking. “See? Look how sparkly mine are compared to yours. Pathetic.”

I grin mischievously at her before taking a handful of soap and wiping it all over her face.

“Am I still bad at washing dishes now? Huh?” I ask, smiling as I chase her around the kitchen with suds covering my arms. She was squealing with laughter as she used a chair to defend herself. However, I had her cornered, and there was no way for her to escape. I smirk. “Stuck?”

She rolls her eyes, grinning. “You’re gonna get the floor all wet,” she informs me.

“I’ll clean it up. Take back what you said about me being lousy at dishes,” I challenge. She thinks for a moment. After a minute she points at something behind me.

“LOOK OUT!” she screams, ducking down. Like a fool, I turn my head and she sprints for the exit way. She wasn’t quick enough though, and I managed to wrap my bubbly arms around her before she escaped. We both were laughing like crazy.

“You thought you could get away that easy?” I ask, smirking.

“I almost did! I can’t believe you fell for that! Oldest trick in the book!” she says, trying to get the suds out of her hair.

“I did not fall for it.”

“Yes, you did. Is it still in my hair?” she asks, tilting her head so I could see. I smile.

“I don’t know. Am I still a bad dish washer?”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes,” she tells me. “You are. And you always will be.”

I poke her in the side and she squeals. “Take it back,” I say, moving closer and she puts up her hands to defend herself.

“Never!” she screams before turning to run away.

Sadly, that backfired when she slipped on the wet tile floor. My eyes went wide and I moved to catch her. Fortunately, she fell into my arms instead of hitting her head on the ground.

“Are you okay?” I ask, looking down at her in my arms. I caught myself staring again, but this time she didn’t snap me out of it. Instead, she stared back.

“Um…yeah,” she mutters. “I’m fine.”

She gets up and slaps my shoulder. Hard.

“Ow!” I scream out in pain. “What was that for?! I just saved your life!”

“If you hadn’t gotten the floor all wet, then I wouldn’t have slipped in the first place!” she protests, smiling. I smirk back.

“Well if you weren’t insulting my dish washing skills then we wouldn’t have had a problem. Don’t blame me for your mistakes.”

She rolls her eyes. “If you’re nice I’ll help you clean up,” she tells me. I smile.

“That’d be great, considering you started it.”

She gives me a look and I put up my hands in surrender before grabbing a mop.

By the time we were done in the kitchen, I had completely forgotten about escaping Gemma. On my way to my room she stopped me in the hall.

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath. She rolls her eyes.

“I have to talk to you,” she tells me. I glance from my standpoint, to my bedroom door, to Gemma who was between the two. I think about it for a moment before ducking under her arm and sprinting down the hall into my room. I tried to shut the door, but her foot was there. Dammit.

She managed to push the door open and come inside.

“You weren’t invited to this party,” I tell her.

“Well, I am now. It’s nothing bad, I promise,” she explains.

“Okay, so what do you need?” I ask, annoyed that she totally just barged in.

“It’s about Nicole.”

“What about Nicole?” I ask, suddenly interested. I may have sounded more excited than I had meant to. She smirks. “What?” I ask defensively.

“Nothing,” she gloats. “I have a plan.”


what do you think theyre up to?(; hehe exciting stuff coming up! make sure you vote and comment and follow me if you havent yet! I love you guys so much and sorry my updates are coming a lot more spread apart :p school is KILLING me i swear >.< i have NO free time it sucks! but anywhore let me know what you think and chapter 14 is on the way!(: also if youre ever bored check out my other stories (i have a lot c: *fan fic addict* psh who said that) lol thank you so much for reading and ily for being so patient!!!(: <3 byee

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