Pt 2 Chapter 8

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Summertime is only for heart breaks.

Laila POV

This is the beginning of the first day of tenth grade. The whole summer I trained and played on my summer league team.

During the summer, I try to call and everything I could to talk to Lucas but he kept ignoring me.

Before school started, I had went shopping. Then I saw Lucas with this girl. I really couldn't see her face but I was heated.

Then she turns that little bald head of hers and I saw who it was. It was Jessica! As soon as I saw her I walked passed them.

Lucas saw me and quickly try to hide. Then when I got closer then he acts like he wasn't just with her.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" I put on a fake smile and pretended like I just didn't see him.

"Nothing much just getting ready for school. I called you all summer and you just ignore it why is that?"

"I just been spending time with my family." Or getting some top from that dick breath bitch. "Oh okay cool. So call me when you get home?"

"Yeah I'll do that." After that I walked away I knew that this nigga is cheating so Imma try to get evidence on his ass.

I got to school the next day and I went to class. I sat down and waited for class to start. I don't fw any of these kids.

Then this one boy came to sit by me. He was taller than me, nice chocolate complexion, his hair is life and when he smiles it just breath taking.

"Hey. I'm Avion (in the MM) but everyone calls me vonny. What's your name beautiful?" I blush when he said that. He had a good first impression.

"Oh my name is Laila." "Just like Laila Ali." "Yeah." "You know me and her got something in common."

"And what is that?" "We can both knock people out." He whispered in my ear. This boy wants me to just hold him and never let go.

After he said that class started. Me and him was passing notes on ourselves and stuff. I had to use the bathroom so I asked the teacher.

Leaving vonny all by himself. He gave a puppy dog face all I can do is just hug him. He was so adorable.

I went to the restroom and I heard someone talking then they said Lucas name so I took out my phone and recorded it.

"So what you and Lucas do over the summer?" One girl said. "We basically just chill and had sex." "And his girlfriend doesn't know."

"Nah and she ain't gonna." Until now, I heard that and ran back to class. That's hurt on my heart. Like the person you love just cheats on you like that it's just sad.

Vonny came up to me and said "are you okay?" "Nah because I just found out that my boyfriend cheating on me."

"Look I know I just meet you but been wanting to get know like how I know you now. You beautiful first off and you got chill vies.

You really good at basketball plus you got them hits (she can hit them folks) and you can dress. You're perfect to me. I been waiting on someone like you."

After he said that he kissed me. I was so in shocked because I didn't even know that one person can feel this way about me.

I gonna open up to him because I think that's he is gonna be something special in the future. Class was just over with.

Then I saw Lucas holding Jessica hand. I got heated then I remember I'm with vonny so I gotta chill. I grabbed his hand and looked him in his eyes.

When I looked into his eyes I just saw the future with him and it was beautiful. Just himself as a person is beautiful. I think I'm falling for him.

Lucas saw me and he sprinted to us. "Aye man what you doing holding my girl had!!" He said causing a scene. I automatically jump in.

"He is holding his girl hand get it right." Both of them looked at me in shocked. "Wait you're my girl." "No I'm not after I found out you was cheating on me"

"Baby I can explain-I" "Come on vonny we got to go." Then we left I didn't have time for him to explain everything. If I have evidence then we done.

Hey y'all I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Stay tuned for more.

Laila 💗‼️

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