Chapter 14- The End

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Vanoss POV

A figure emerged from behind a crate at the far end of the hall and I recognised it as Willow. She ran towards where Delirious and I were waiting, she ran right into the arms of Carter, the leader, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Him responding by putting his arms around her waist while the rest of Bassive stood dumbfounded they stood there holding each other until Carter pulled away, a sad smile adorning his face.

He held his hand out to her and she took it as they turned around.

Zoey, disobeying orders, ran out into the room, fury seeping through her every movement .

"Traitor!" She screamed.
"Hypocrite!" Carter glared at her.

Just as two men grabbed at Zoey I gave the all clear and we charged out, shooting anyone we could.

"Willow!" I boomed, grabbing the attention of the blue haired girl.
"Go away Vanoss!"
"Hell no!" I began shooting and put down at least three people before aiming at Carter. As I took my first shot it missed, butCarter begin shielding Willow. I shot again and my target was hit, Carter collapsed, taking Willow with him. Before I can register the fact I have hit him, he stabs Willow point blank in the chest, much like my bullet.

I froze, shocked, but a scream broke me from my trance, and I turn around just in time to see Zoey fall to her knees, blood dripping down her forehead from the gaping hoke between her brows.

"Trust Willow to make this happen because of a party." I muttered in frustration.

Shooting as many of them as possible, I call a retreat and run for the doors.

After reaching cover outside I was joined by Daithi and Lui, who, as soon as they stopped, were instantaneously wrapped in each other's arms. Delirious came running in after them easing a little of my worry. That was until Moo came in dragging with him a sobbing Mini. Tyler staggered in last.

"Where is Basically and Droidd?" I question.

Mini's sobs got more intense while Moo hugged him for comfort. Delirious shakes his head at me, tears making their way down his face.

Basically, Droidd, Willow, Zoey, and Carter were dead.


A/N- G'Day everyone, razzlezronnie here with another authors Note! IIIIIMMMM BACKKKKK!!!!!!! Get out your torches and pitchforks, I killed everyone! But hey, sequel will soon be released. I might get a new day of the week instead of Wednesday's, but I don't know yet. Next week is the last week of school assessments. So after that, I can concentrate everything on writing, because let's face it, aviation, service knowledge, and fieldcraft aren't exactly the most challenging subjects when you're taught by 16 year olds, so those test will be easy as pie *runs away cause Dean thinks I have pie*. But thankyou guys and gals sooooo much for reading this chapter, if you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it, please let me know with a vote or a comment, but I'll see you later alligators! *whispers* don't forget your toilet paper. . .

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