The Pachinko Incident

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"Hey (Y/N), have you ever played pachinko?" Osomatsu had been quiet for most of the morning and was seemingly ignoring Ichimatsu. I nodded and a grin had stretch across his face. "What do you say we go play for a while?" I noticed the others perk up at his offer.

"Ah, I don't have much yen left.."

"No worries, the place we go just got some new machines!" He leaned back a bit. "C'mon, I'm sure it'll be fun!"

"Ah.. Alright, I guess it could be fun," I returned his smile as he stood, taking the hand he offered to help me up. "Anyone want to join us?" I asked, much to Osomatsu's disappointment. The boys were quiet for a second before one spoke up.

"I'll go." It was Ichi. Osomatsu groaned quietly to himself and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, alright! Anyone else?"

"I have plans for this afternoon. I apologize, dear (Y/N)," Karamatsu said, probably trying to get me to beg him to come or something. I nodded and looked at Choromatsu.

"Ah, I'm busy looking for jobs," he smiled sheepishly, holding up a relatively thick magazine. It looked like there were two separate magazines just put together.

"Ah, alright. Jyushimatsu, what about you?"

"I have baseball practice in a bit, sorry (Y/N)!" he beamed, gesturing to a neatly folded baseball uniform sitting next to a bat.

"Aw, okay.. Todomatsu?"

"I'd love to, but I don't have any yen to spare. Maybe next time!"

"Well, looks like it'll just be us three," I nodded towards the door. "We'll be back later!" We said out goodbyes and headed out the door, the two brothers on either side of me. Let's just say it was a very long and awkward trip to the pachinko parlor..

As soon as we arrived, Osomatsu was already dragging me around to help me find a good machine with Ichimatsu tailing behind us.
"Here, this one is perfect, (Y/N)-chan! And look, another good one right next to it so we can sit together," Osomatsu chuckled, taking a seat next to me. "Ah, Icimatsu-kun! I found a good machine all the way at the end if you want." Ichimatsu glared at Oso for a second before turning around and silently making his way to another machine near the entrance. "Yeesh, kind of an asshole, don't you think?"

"He's alright.." I said, looking at my machine and inserting the first ~1,000 yen. I may not have been the best pachinko player, but I definitely didn't suck.
I couldn't have had a luckier first shot. I got the all to the bottom and got a spin, which turned into a successful reach. The numbers were red as well, ensuring my wins during "lucky time." I tried my best to keep a poker face as I felt the satisfaction of hearing the metal balls hit the plastic tray. I looked at Osomatsu, who had the most priceless expression. This was going to be a great day.

I'd been about an hour of playing, my luck with the machine died down and I had just filled up the second tray when I had the sudden urge to use the restroom. "Hey Osomatsu, could you watch my stuff?" I bit my lip, standing up slowly.

"Yeah, I'll watch it like it was my own." He kept his eyes on the machine but gave me a small nod. On my way out, I passed by the other Matsuno, who was in the middle of a reach. I decided not to interrupt his euphoria and kept walking.
I finished my business and began heading back, not noticing someone's full tray on the the floor. I accidentally tipped it over with my foot and sent the metal balls across the floor, causing the man they belonged to to look at me with anger and begin shouting. A few other people began shouting as well, but I was already out the door. I didn't even say sorry or alert the brothers of my swift exit.

"You clumsy idiot.." I muttered to myself, slowing my pace to a walk as I began tugging on my hair to relieve some stress. "Such an embarrassment.."

"Things happen." I jumped and looked behind me, putting my arms at my sides as I saw Ichimatsu. "I saw you leave without your winnings and heard people yelling. I thought I'd, uh.." He paused. "Walk with you." I nodded and turned around, waiting for him to catch up before walking again. I followed him, not noticing that we were heading somewhere else. When he stopped, we were in the middle of a small bridge with a rather calm river flowing beneath it. Ichimatsu leaned against the guard railing and looked down into the water. I stood next to him and looked down, and he stepped away from me.

"Why do you hang out with us?" he asked, not looking up from our reflection.

"Well.. You guys are all I have, I guess." He snorted and shook his head.

"You don't have family? A boyfriend?"

"Why the hell would I hang out with you guys let alone stay the night at your house if I had a boyfriend? And family? Tch." I slouched over the edge. "..I didn't need family.." He glanced over.

"Hm." Ichimatsu pursed his lips.

"Why were you there that night?"

"Eh? I already told you." He looked over.

"I know, but I don't understand."


"I mean, you have five brothers t-to.. be with and you have pa-arents who care about you.." I sniffled, trying my best to fight back my emotions from the thoughts of my parents. Ichimatsu stayed quiet, looking back at the water. "I just.. miss them s-so much.." It was quiet for about a minute with the exception of my sobbing.

"I don't see the problem. There are five other people exactly like me," Ichi spoke a bit softer now, probably not wanting to intimidate me. Did he really think that way?

"J.. Just because you're sextuplets doesn't mean you're the exact same. Y-you are all your own person. All different." My words seemed to surprise him; his eyes widened a bit and he swallowed hard.


"Yeah, of course," I looked over at him, seeing that little smile on his face. "Hey, we should head back.." I suggested, stepping away from the railing. Ichimatsu seemed to hesitate for a moment before stepping away with a nod. We didn't talk at all on the way home. He didn't even look at me, but I did notice a faint blush on his cheeks as we approached the sextuplets' home.

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