Chapter 33

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-Two months later-

~Chris's POV~

It had been a couple months since I had last seen Gabby and her friends.

Track season had started back up and with our field complete now, my sport practices were held at our school.

I had missed Gabby so much. From what I heard, she was still with that bastard.

It pissed me off at just the thought of him kissing her, holding her. It should have been me.

These past months I had tried not to think about it. I spent most of my weekends partying with David and focused on doing great in track.

At parties, ditzy girls would pretend they were drunk and try to flirt with me. I knew what they really wanted, usually I would have given in but that gets old after a while.

I'm just tired of the whole party, one-night stand crap. I wan't something, someone real.

But it's not that easy to forget about someone you love. No matter what I did, Gabby was still on my mind.

~Gabriella's POV~

I was holding Sebastian's hand as we walked out of an ice cream parlor.

Things had been going great between us. He has been a good boyfriend and would be so sweet to me. He was basically the definition of a gentleman...except one thing. Sebastian still had anger issues and had a hard time controlling his rage. He never had hurt me in any violent way, but with other guys it was different.

I was having lunch at a little Italian cafe last weekend with one of my closest friends, Danny. We were chatting and laughing until Sebastian had showed up..

Sebastian had wanted to hangout that day but Danny had already asked to meet up for lunch since we haven't seen each other in a while.

I had told Sebastian that I couldn't hangout because I had promised someone else that I would meet them at the cafe. He seemed fine with it so I didn't think much of it.

But when Sebastian showed up at our table, he gave Danny a disqusted look and started yelling about how i'm secretely seeing Danny and cheating on him.

Sebastian was making a scene in front of everyone and it was really embarrassing.

Danny had to explain that he had a boyfriend and we were just friends who haven't seen each other in a while.

Sebastian had already thrown cups and forks on the floor and everyone was still staring at us. Sebastian just said "Oh." and stormed out.

...Yeah, needless to say, I was very pisssd at him that day. He acts like I can't go and hangout with anyone else besides him. Sebastian and I have spent almost everyday together and I missed my friends.

I missed Chris most of all though.

I glanced at my phone and saw that I had a text message from Lexis.

LEXIS:Heyyy! I freaking miss hanging out and shopping all the time with you! :(

GABRIELLE: I miss it too! :( We need to hang asap!

LEXIS: Of course. You should come to this party with me tonight! I have someone I wan't you to meet.

GABRIELLE: Ooooh! Who? I haven't been to a party in a month. Lol! new record for me. ;D

LEXIS: Lol. It's a surprise! But okay well I'll pick you up around eight.

GABRIELLE: Sounds good see you then!

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 6:30.

"Shit!" I ran around in my closet to see what to wear. I take forever to get dressed. It at least takes me an hour.

I picked out black leather skinny jeans, a loose white lace tank, and a leather jacket.

I took a shower and blowed dried my hair straight. I looked at the clock again and it was now 7:45.I quickly applied my makeup and added some jewelry to bling up my outfit. My phone beeped and it was a text from Lexis.

LEXIS: I'm in the driveway!

~At the party~

Lexis and I were dancing and having a blast. "Oh! Who did you wan't me to meet Lexis?" I asked as we were dancing with everyone.

"C'mon I think he's over here." She grabbed my arm with one hand while her other hand held a drink.

We walked to the other end of the house and walked up to a group of people.

"Ah there he is!" Lexis tapped on a guy's shoulder and he turned around.

"Oh my gosh." I said as I saw who he was.

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