Chapter 6

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"Charlie Marie Brooks!!" My mothers voice rang through the room.

Harry's eyes widened as he sat up climbing off of me. He stood next to the bed not knowing what to do.

"Untie me you idiot!" I shouted. This was so humiliating. The last person I expected to come through that door was my mother.

He reached over and started undoing the bandana.

"Denise I heard yelling what's-"

My dad stepped in the room. Could this get any worse.

Harry froze starring at my dads 6"5 frame he had about 4 inches on Harry and 100 lbs.

"What the hell is this?" My dad looked from Harry to me and back again.

"Mom, dad it's not as bad as it seems..." I stated my hand still attached to the bed frame "Harry!!!" I snapped again.

His hands went back to work. A minute later I was free. I tossed the bandana to the floor. And stood up. My parents eyes both shot to my pants. I looked down and they were still unbuttoned.

"Ok I know this looks bad" I half laughed as I popped the button into place.

"You being tied to a bed and ..and this ..this...boy on top of you definitely looks bad Charlie!" My mother was trying to keep it together. My dad looked like he had planned Harry's death at least 10 times in his head.

"If I may say som-"

"No you may not!" My dad barked cutting Harry off.

"Dad please just-"

"No! We come to surprise you and here you are tied to a bed a boy doing god know what on top of you...I could just-" he started to raise his hands in Harry's direction. My mother grabbed his arm.

"Tom lets just give them a minute. Meet us downstairs in 5 minutes."

"Just her or-"

"You too boy!" My dad growled making Harry step back.

They both walked out. I shot him a glare that if looks could kill he would have been dead.


"Save it! I could just kill you right now." I spoke through clenched teeth.

I sat on my bed. My face in my hands. This was not happening.

"What the hell happen?" Niall stood in the door way.

"You couldn't warn us that her parents had shown up!!" He whisper yelled at Niall.

"I didn't know I was suppose to. What were you doing?" Niall defended.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I laid back on the bed.

"No you have to go down there. I'm not going alone. " Harry looked panicked.

"This is all your fault anyways!" I whisper yelled back to him. Slightly sitting up but then laying back down.

"Why is everybody yelling?" Lo took her place next to Niall.

"We are not yelling you just have a hangover!" I stated dryly.

"Your dad looked pissed. Is he a violent man?" Harry started pacing.

"He was a wrestler in college and he boxes 3 times a week." I sighed. "Stop pacing!"

"Are you fucking kidding me!" His panicked appearance was kind of adorable.

"Dude you're done" Niall shook his head.

"Shut up Niall don't you think I know that"

"You are are my boyfriend?" We were just messing around..-"

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