35. Octavian: 'Ogre' of Camp Jupiter.

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Through the treeline, Percy could make out a small clearing and the limestone cliff-face that made up the entrance to Bunker 9.

He could also make out the pair of idiots who were setting things on fire.

"Tell me you've learned how to extinguish a forest fire in the time I've been gone?" Percy strode through the trees and into sight, causing Leo to yelp and nearly drop the flaming sword that was in his hand. "I am not having any of the nymphs chase me through the forest again because of a fire you accidentally set, Leo."

He remembered the not so fond memory with ease, trying to stop himself from laughing at it now. Juniper had chased him through the trees when he'd been wandering in search of Grover, yelling at him and alleging that Leo was his responsibility when meddling with fire because Percy was literally a human fire-extinguisher when there was water to hand. It wasn't until later in the day, when he'd finally located the literal Human Torch, that Leo had sheepishly explained that he may have accidentally widened the clearing around Bunker Nine's entrance and pissed off a lot of nymphs in the process. Percy had narrowly escaped having to escort Leo out to the Bunker each time he wanted to make the trip by persuading the son of Hephaestus to replant some of the damaged foliage.

"Oh neat, nice sword." Clarisse was no aid to Percy's attempt to appear disapproving, barging past so she could get a better look at the weapon.

Leo extinguished the blade when Percy didn't shift his glare and looked slightly sheepish.

"If you're going to set things on fire, at least invite me along so I can put out any accidental fires you start so the nymphs don't come baying for your blood, again." Percy sighed. "Or Grover, you know that Grover would eat you like a tin can if he found out Juniper was pissed off with you."

Grover had threatened to eat Leo like a tin can when he'd found out what had happened.

"We were bored waiting for Festus to come back." Leo shrugged, hastily moving on. "He always goes to steal a sheep or two in the afternoon, he usually arrives back at this time."

"He lives off motor oil and tabasco sauce?" Percy frowned, remembering the piece of trivia easily. It was hard not to remember what a giant bronze dragon ate; they weren't exactly a commodity.

"I think he's trying to make friends with Peleus, he offers them to him." Leo shrugged. "If Peleus doesn't want them, he takes them back. He's either trying to make friends with him or trying to court him and I don't think I'm ready to have the gaskets and the gears talk with my dragon child yet, so I'm really hoping it's the former."

"That dragon is as weird as you are." Piper snorted, shaking her head.

Leo looked at her with uncertainty. "Are you talking to me now or are you still pissed off I'm also friends with Jason? Because that's not been cool, Beauty Queen."

"I know, I'm sorry." Piper winced.

"She was possessed." Percy informed him. "Also, can you bring Ignis back to meet Festus later? The Big Three have rocked up and they want to discuss the Quest. We think it's just going to be a basic blessing and a chat about who's going, but we still need you there."

"Sorry, did you just say she was possessed?" Leo spluttered. "You can't just spring something like that on a guy and then continue as if you only told him what you had for breakfast!"

"Keep up with the facts, Leo." Percy managed to keep a straight face before Clarisse's muffled laughs got to him too.

"It was an eidolon. Obviously not one of the ones that chased us across Europe, but it was still an eidolon." Piper took pity on Leo's helpless repeated use of 'What?' and answered him. "It didn't get me to do much other than break up with Jason and refuse to speak to you, but it wanted to murder Blue. Thankfully he clocked there was something up and Silena used charmspeak to banish it."

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