Didnt realize that it was take you pets to school day

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I ran as fast as I could taking all the shortcuts that I could think of trying to make it to school on time. "Damn it" I mutter as I start running out of breath, "Should've join track or cross country when I could" I took the shortest break that I could then went back to running. With in a minute or two I can see the school gate, "Come on just a little more" with one deep breath I dead sprint through the gate and into the entrance to my school. "I made it just in time now to my class....which is on the third floor" I groggily walk up the stairs to the third floor and to my room that is now 3-B.

I flung open the door, immediately everyone's gaze is turned to me, "I'm present" I say as I breathlessly walk into the room and take my seat in the middle of the row closest to the windows. "Well glad you could show up Daisuke" Mr.Takihara said as I rest my head on my arms, "Yeah, Yeah" I responded back. Mr.Takihara is my homeroom and my Algebra teacher not bad at teaching at least he doesn't drone. So the day started not as planned but at least I'm not that late.

With out realizing it, I fell asleep in Mr.Takiharu's class and didn't wake until someone's shouting woke me up, "Daisuke? Where's Daisuke at" huh, did someone want me for something. "I'm right here" I tiredly raise my hand and look up to see Benji our class pervert frantically looking around for me and spots me. "Daisuke, 3 girls are looking for you." don't tell me it's them, "Do they have, red, blonde and green hair as well as cosplay fox and cat ears" he nods, "Alright it's them" I sigh, "Tell'em that I'm here" I saw Benji run out the hallway, then put my head down, "Too tired for this in the morning" I was going to take them to school when I thought they were ready but guess it can't be helped.

"He's in here" Benji yelled, "Ok thanks for the help" I could hear Aki saying. Please don't make a scene girls, how could I explain this that I'm living with 3 hot girls under the same roof. Rumors would spread instantly. I lifted my hear to see Aki, Haru and Fuyu sitting around me.

"What are you girls doing here?!" I asked and Haru looked down poked her fingers together. "Well Daisuke-onii you forgot your lunch when you ran out of the house" oh so that's why, I look to Fuyu, who's holding my lunchbox to me, "Here you go Daisuke-kun, your lunch" I take it. "Sorry to be a bother when you're in school Daisuke-sama" Aki bows her head and her fox ears point down. Oh now I feel bad, because I feel like I just scolded them for a frivolous thing.

"Oh don't be, I was just shocked that you girls came here on your own, but thanks for bringing me my lunch" speaking of lunch it's time for it. I open my lunch box, which was made up of my usual lunch; a sandwich of some kind, a bottle of soda, and some chips. Before, I started eating, I heard the girls' stomachs growl. "Are you girls hungry" I asked caring and they nodded, "Then here you go, it's not much but it's better then nothing" I opened my chip bag and handed it to them. "Thanks Daisuke-onii" Haru smiles and goes back to her cheery stuff and starts eating.

We ate in silence until Fuyu spoke up, "Um Daisuke-kun you think we'd be able to go to school with you." I did think about before, enrolling them into my school. "Yes, yes I do Fuyu, I'll see what I can do" she got a excited expression and her ears perked up. "I'd enjoy that as well Daisuke-sama" Aki said putting a chip in her mouth, "Yeah it sounds fun going to school with Diasuke-onii" Haru said out loud, which gets some of my classmates attention.

So we finished lunch and then resumed with my classes I just told the teachers that Aki, Haru and Fuyu potential transfer students watching how the classes went, they all bought it well what proof did they have against it. When the bell to be dismissed rings I get up and grab my book-bag I walk up to the girls. "You guys ready" they nod in unison, "Then let's go back home"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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My pets are girls?!?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz