Chapter 14: Look What Your ABC's Got Me Into!

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"Where's Stefan?" I asked a seated Damon in the main room of his house.

"Everyone's favorite person? He left early with Elena" he answered.

"He's not everyone's favorite person" he met my eyes after my words. "I definitely prefer Matty to him" I smirked as there was a knock at the door. I moved towards my bag on the table and shuffled through it as he stood from his position on the couch.

"I'll answer the door" he playfully glared at me.

"Good, it's your house" I scoffed slightly as he opened the door and popped his head out.

"I need to talk to you" why is Jeremy here?

"And why do I need to talk to you?" Damon tried to close the door, Jer stopped him.

"Tyler Lockwood has to kill someone to activate his curse. He's not a werewolf yet" Jeremy rushed out.

"Wow. Fascinating. Not enough" Damon deadpanned and tried to close the door again, Jer stopped him.

"But Mason Lockwood is, and he's looking for a moonstone--A special rock connected to the werewolf legend. That's why he's here" Jer finished and I stood, nearing their position by the door.

"Moonstone?" Damon's attention had been caught.

"And I know where it is" I could hear Jer's smile.

"And you're bringing me this why?" Damon asked in a rush.

"Do I need a reason? Look, I just want to help, ok?" Awww Jer. Wait, does this mean he's forgiven, Damon?

"What did your sister say about this little discovery?" Damon smirked.

"She says 'Thank God!' because now she doesn't have to try and get that information out of Tyler herself" I smirked and pulled the door fully open, now standing beside Damon and allowing Jer to see me there.

"You were trying to get that information yourself?" Damon frowned down at me.

"Duh. You didn't honestly believe that I was trying to be friends with Tyler Lockwood, did you?" I raised a brow at him. "Great work Jer, I applaud you. And if you don't want Elena to find out, then your secrets safe with me" I winked.

"Why are you here?" Jeremy frowned at me.

"Care stayed the night and I didn't want her to be alone, plus they have a really comfy chair in the library. I couldn't resist" I shrugged.

"I'm assuming you have more to share" Damon looked at Jeremy, he simply nodded.

"Well you boys have fun, I have a masquerade party to help prepare" I pulled the bag I had carried with me over my shoulder and headed towards my car. School here I come.


"Hey Bonnie" I gave a little wave as she neared me with a box, she set it on the table in front of my as I placed some candlesticks into a candelabra. "You're here" I smiled.

"I'm here" she looked around with nervous eyes.

"Caroline's not coming" I reassured. "I already text you that."

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