Chapter 2: Headache

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Your POV

      After finishing school, I then immediatly go to the school garden, bringing Rin and Len with me along. Beside, I don't really want to go to the reunion alone.

     "Wah! I can't wait to see Miku-san again. I really misses her," said Rin happily.

     I could only look at her, rolling my eyes.

     Then, from afar, a blond haired boy walk towards us.

     "Hey guys! Thanks for coming," said Oliver, waving at us. Suddenly, Rin elbowed me and smirk. That time, I was blushing red.

     "Errr... hye," nervously I greet him. Oh gosh! I was seriously blushing. I hope he don't realise it. But he didn't. Thank goodness.

      "Hey Oliver-sama! So,hows your life?" ask Len as we continue our walk to the school garden.

       He laugh, which makes me more blushing.

       "Well, fine as usual. How about your life ___? Do you miss me?" Oliver said, teasing me. I rolled my eyes, at the same time blushing like hell!

        "Errrr... Not really I guess," I answer impassively, the same expression I give to him after the Graduation Day and leave him without any guilt.

         "Well... How about you two go along? We both catch up later," ordered Oliver as he walk beside me... real close, which making me more nervous.

          At first, Len seems like want to walk with us but then, Rin elbowed him, giving him a sign to leave us both alone.

         "Well... Okey then," said Len and follow Rin to the school garden.

         So, we both been left alone, which things turns become more akward. As we continue our walk, which we become more slower than before, Oliver start to talk.

         "Well... I... ugh... have something to say to you. It mabye feel quite uncomfortable with this question but... you have any... boyfriend?" he ask me, rubbing his neck in akward.

         I turn to him suprisingly and blush redly. "No, no! I... I don't. Why?"

         "Well, nothing it just... it just..."

         As he still speaking... more to a confession... I guess, my head start to spinning. I almost collapes but luckily, Oliver manage to catch me.

        "Woah! ___, are...are you okey?" Worriedly he ask me, looking me straingt to my eyes.

       "Nah, I'm okey. Just a little headache, I guess," I said, stand up straight and pretend like nothing happen to me.

       "You're sure? Cause you're a little bit... pale," he replied, looking me in worry.

       "Nah, I'm fine. I just... lack of water. That's all," I said as I immediatly stand up. "Come on! Let's go!" I take my hand and drag him to the school garden


        "___! Long time no see!" Squeal Miku as she hug me tightly, making me to choke.

        "Errr... you're choking me," I said, craving for air.

        "Oh, hehe... sorry. So... hows your life going?" she ask.

        "As usual. School, homework and so on..." Miku nod and took my hand.

        "Come on! Let's have some fun!" Miku drag me to meet the others.

         We have a very fun time at the reunion. All the teachers are there too. Quite shock that Miku are now with Kaito, my super senior. I mean, seriously! How did Miku bravely say it? Different from me. I'm such a coward. I should take the opputurnity to say that I like him... I mean, Oliver.

        As we are having fun, suddenly, a massive headache came and my head start to spinning like crazy. I look at my surrounding and the world start to spin around.

       "___, are you okey?" Len's voice echoing as I collapse to the ground. Everyone in the party start to panic.

       "___!" Oliver panic. His voice echoing in my head, the last voice before I fall into my unconsiousness.


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