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Today is the day after Max's sixteen birthday. My older brothers are all out on missions and Max's parents are out doing some research.

Myself and Max are left to watch Kyle, Kyra, Glen and Niav. So today we are babysitters. 

"Kyra! Got down from there!" I yelled as Kyra climbed high and higher. She was using magic to create solid air blocks.

I was not happy having to mind my younger siblings but I had to.

*Knock knock*

"Come in!" I shouted.

"Hi Alecxis." Max came in, with Glen and Niav.

"Oh hi Max. Can you help me get Kyra down?" I asked hopefully. 

"Fine. Mind Glen and Niav for a sec." Max went over to Kyra and had to use his own magic to get her down.

I was restrained from using magic at the moment, which is why I didn't get her down myself.


"Yeah?" I asked.

"One sec. Here." he said as he handed Kyra to me.

"Thanks. Kyra, don't do that again." I said sternly to the little girl. "What is it?" I questioned as I let Kyra down to play with the twins and her brother.

"It's about those girls.. Ash, Summer and Moeka." he began.

"What about them?"

"Did you know that Moeka is the 'Shipping Queen'?" Max asked quietly.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Forget it. I don't know what I was getting at. Let's go and get ice-cream." Max avoided my question. I stared at him then shook off the weird feeling I had.

"We have to bring these four." I said.

"Yeah. I know. Let's go to the park so they can play."

"Alright. Do you have the twins' Magic Power Restrainers?" I asked, putting Kyle's one on.

"Yep. I have them here." Max pulled out two metal bracelets.

"Ok." I put Kyra's one on and lifted her up. She giggled.


"What ice-cream do you want Max?" I asked as we got to the park. 

"I think I want bubblegum and chocolate. What about you?" 

"I'll get chocolate chip and rocky road. these two will have vanilla and a flake. Otherwise, I'll never get them to sleep." I told him.

"True. The twins will want their favorite. Crushed smarties in chocolate ice-cream." he sighed.

"What do you want?" the shopkeeper asked.

"We'll have two double cones, one bubblegum and chocolate and the other chocolate chip and rocky road. And four single scoop ice-cream cones, two just plain vanilla and the other two crushed smarties in chocolate ice-cream." I ordered our ice cream and five minutes later, I handed out the ice-creams and payed.

We sat down on the ground and ate our ice-cream.

"I wish we could get out more often." I thought out loud. "Oops! Ignore that!" I said.

"Why?" Max asked teasingly.

"Max Lightning! Do as your girlfriend says!" I tackled him just as he finished his ice-cream cone.

"Oh so now I get attention? When you're mad?" he questioned, pushing me off of him.

I growled at Max and stood my ground. 

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