Take It Slow

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You're at a party. Not just any party, this is the party. The party that is so amazing because it's. Well, it's amazing. Your BFFL is there, as well as, well, you know who.

The boy whose eyes you just want to melt into. He's the dreamiest (Do people still say dreamiest?) boy in the entire school. And he's sitting. Right. Next. To. You.

His name is Shane. And you know everything about him even though you've never talked to him, and he knows everything about you. How does that work again?

(You'll figure it out someday. And when you do, please call me and explain it to me.) Suddenly Shane grabs you by the shoulders. He whispers to you 'Maria. I've always admired you. I'll be your lover forever.'

The two of you make out. You go home, um, get your groove on (Your mom is either totally okay with this/for some reason doesn't care, by the way) have kids, and live happily ever after.

^^^ Does this ever happen in real life? If anyone thinks it does, l'm going to slap you across the face with a heated pan.

But seriously, even knowing that, you wouldn't believe the number of stories I've seen with characters that fall in unrealistic love, sometimes for no reason.

Just take the example above. l'm sure you guys have heard this before, but there is always some dude who seems like a complete jerk.

He usually starts harrassing the main character, being intentionally mean, for no reason that I can distinguish, and it's portrayed as 'hot' Two chapters later, the characters are best friends and the girl falls in love with the boy.

WHY? I mean, DOES this happen in real life? Are all of your relationships with guys composed of playful bantering and/or 'l hate you but secretly love you' talk?

I swear, all of these guys are either greatly handsome until they open their mouths, or gianormously sexy with a personality that can put plush BUNNIES to shame.

Did I mention that all of these guys take an immediate interest in the main character? Relationships between characters should be slow.

Mix it up a little. They don't have to ever like each other that much. They can like each other at first and then end up finding out that their personalities clash. But your main character's tongue should most certainly not be down the boy's throat by chapter two or three.

If you're immature like me, you probably found that last sentence gross. But you're probably not. So hopefully we're okay.

By the way, believe me. Any boy will tell you that not all boys are complete jerks or looking to get a girl just so they can 'Get their grooves on.' Luckily for everyone, there's an alternative.

There is the casual relationship. The girl and boy could simply be friends. Without the whole  girl-hating-him-at-first/boy-is-a-bad-boy-who-is-sexily-mysterious thing.

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