5|| tyler

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Fuck you Josh Dun. That's all I have to say, you're making my social life hard. Jenna is super protective and my friends keep making jokes at me. And another thing.. IM NOT GAY!

I don't understand why you try to mess with me. I don't like it... I do actually but I don't like change.

Josh Dun you're killing me..

"Tyler are you even listening to me?" I snap out of my thoughts and look at Jenna.

"That's exactly what I thought. How is this relationship supposed to work if you don't listen?" She looks like she's about to cry and I stay silent thinking of what i should do.

"Jenna. We're over." I break the news finally and look to her. She looks completely dead. She started crying and asking me why.

"Because Jen. I wasn't looking for someone to love Just someone to fuck." And with that I get up and walk away. I feel really bad but I couldn't deal with her anymore. She's too touchy...
I'm finally at home and instead of feeling like going to hang with friends I decided to sit in my room and blast music for a couple hours. Until my phone rings.

Oli: dude you broke up with Jenna? I thought u actually liked her.?
Tyjo: I did like her but I guess I lost it.
Oli: what do you mean bro?
Tyjo: nothing I'm just confused okay. I'll see you tomorrow
Oli:okay man whatever it better not be because of that Josh dude.

I sigh and don't reply. Why would he think it's because Josh. I don't like that dweeb and I don't care about him. Sure he's attractive and his hands feel nice in my hai-.. No stop it. I shouldn't be thinking about this at all.

Im going to take a shower. I need to get him and his germs off my mind.

Not gay. Joshler [Not Finished]Where stories live. Discover now